Minority leader calls media disclosure of purchases & charges appalling
The Minority Conference of the Board of Legislators had no knowledge of the expenses incurred by a top aide to Chairman William Ryan and is appalled by the more than $20,000 in purchases and cell phone charges taxpayers were left to foot the bill.
Minority Leader George Oros (R/Cortlandt) maintained it was erroneously reported in The Journal News that the entire Board of Legislators deemed all purchases “were appropriate” since all legislators were not aware and would not have approved the large sum of expenses submitted by Gary Kriss.
“Needless to say I was shocked to read what has been allowed to occur since 2003 and it’s just another example of how some people in county government operate as if this is some sort of fantasy land,” Oros said. “Many of the purchases mentioned in the article are highly questionable and raise some serious eyebrows.”
Oros noted the expenses for the four Republican legislators the last four years were only approximately $2,000 and none have a county issued cell phone or Blackberry.
He also mentioned it was curious that a $1,582 equipment charge on his Blackberry took place in October 2007 during the height of the election season when some county cell phone bills show calls were placed to Democratic candidates seeking office.
“These kinds of abuses are outrageous and should not be tolerated,” Oros said. “County government needs to be downsized and forced to function within a reasonable budget. Some of us have been fighting to change the system for years but others seem content to simply go along with the majority. These kind of shenanagins cannot continue.”