This is a community site which means its YOUR site. We are in the process of adding new content to the site each week but we could use your help.
We need editors. If there is particular section of the site that sparks you interest – or you would like to recommend a new section – contact us and we can get your started.
We need content. Our editors are looking for contributors to work on the following stories. Have your own idea for a story? Drop us a line.
We need web site monitors There are some great web sites online from sources that we want to include in Talk of the Sound but they are a little klunky or not set up with current technology like RSS. So, we monitor their content each week and if they add new material we copy it to our site manually (where permitted by law) or link/summarize as appropriate. If you don’t have time to be an editor and don’t think of yourself as a writer, this is a great way to get involved with Talk of the Sound.
How to get the most out of this (or any) blog web site. There are two simple steps you can take to make it easier to read blogs and other web sites [RSS READER] and to submit blog posts to this [BLOG EDITOR]