New Rochelle Fails to Inform Parents of Transportation/School Bus Schedules

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

To continue with the tradition of not communicating with parents in a timely fashion on important matters that affect our school children’s safety, the City School District of New Rochelle has done it again. Here we are, three days into the new school year and many parents have yet to receive important information about their children’s transportation to and from school. Is it too much to ask to get important documents on time? And, why did some parents receive their children’s bus schedule information and bus passes, while many other parents have had to go through hoops and loops to get any information at all about this?

By the end of July 2008, parents from many districts in the county, such as Harrison, had already received their correspondence with regards to transportation (see below) and class/teacher assignments, including information on school bus safety (see below). Many parents in New Rochelle, however, did not get their children’s class assignments until the last week in August, while many parents still have not received any information on school bus assignments.

Let us know your story.




4 thoughts on “New Rochelle Fails to Inform Parents of Transportation/School Bus Schedules”

  1. The bus showed up 40 minutes late
    One of our readers e-mailed us and asked to post the following:

    Today was the first day for Pre-K students at Barnard. We got a bussing letter on Friday that the bus would come 40 minutes earlier. The bus showed up 40 minutes late. The driver said he did not know the route was changed until this morning. The bus routes change every year once the Pre-K students start school. Why doesn’t the bus company notify the drivers in time? The Pre-K girl and family at our stop were really confused and concerned. We were waiting and waiting. Maybe it is time to consider a new bus company.

  2. To newroresident
    This is just symptomatic of a system that has no transparency nor accountability. Hence, the need for this blog.

  3. Bus Letter arrived after school started
    Our bus letter arrived after school started. I called the bus company and the line was busy for quite a while before I got through and got the info we needed. Why the delay?

  4. Bus Letter arrived after school started
    We got our bus letter after school already started. I had to call the bus company for info, the phone was busy for quite some time. Why the delay in sending out the letters? It is important to know which corner to stand at or if the bus will come to the house and also the time!

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