It seems that someone from the Unified Court System of the State of New York made their way to this blog. We wonder what they might have been looking for. One thing is for sure, they did not find New Rochelle Community Pulse by accident. As the image demonstrates, they searched for “new rochelle schools blog” using the MSN Search Engine. We hope they were looking for what we have been trying to expose; among many things, the inequities as well as the ENRONian traits that characterize the City School District of New Rochelle. If they were not looking for what we want them to pay attention to, at this juncture there is no denying that they did not know what was happening here in New Rochelle. Information is responsibility. Whoever was on the computer at the other end, spent over 20 minutes and viewed 29 pages. Unfortunately, in as much as we love this great nation, we cannot say we have as much faith as we would like in many of its systems of oversight and their stewards. What needs to be fixed, will have to be done by the People. Nevertheless, we anxiously await to hear from them. We have plenty more to share.