Sycamore Park was once a park to be proud of for its nearby residence, but that has changed. Today, Sycamore Park is a disgrace. The basketball court that once stood is long gone. The swings, slides, park benches, and signs are covered with gang and vulgar graffiti. It has become a park where children no longer play. Instead, petty Mexican gang members can be seen entering the park from its Kings Hwy entrance, to conduct drug deals near the playground equipment. One only has to visit the Sycamore Park to verify that all I say is true. The Mayor’s Office doesn’t want to do anything to clean it up, the City Manager’s Office also turns it back to it and The Department of Parks and Recreation make it seam like the park doesn’t even exist. This is just another example of how City Hall pays attention only to the North End and Screws the South End. And where is Lou Trangucci? He’s sitting in his beach chair in front of his place of business reading a newspaper and getting paid city tax payers money while doing it. Not that anyone else in our city government is doing anything about anything that matters in this city anyway. Maybe The Sycamore Park Area should look into seceding from New Rochelle to become part of The Pelhams. Wouldn’t that be a big slap in the face for City Officials? But they’d get over it. And The Sycamore Park Area would only benefit from the secession.