Did Polow Commit A Crime in Failing to Report ?

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Did, in fact, Deirdre Polow commit a crime by not reporting information about nude photos of a minor? It’s pretty cut and dry as far as the law is concerned. If she had any knowledge, or suspicion of the incident, the law demands that she reports to the Law Enforcement authorities. That’s it. You don’t go to the school board and say “what do you want to do about this?”. I don’t know all the facts surrounding the issue, but if any of what’s reported here is true, she is guilty of failure to report, and can be held responsible in both criminal and civil courts. The law is designed specifically to prevent cover-ups and allow people to come forward and do the right thing to protect children. Unless, of course, this is what she means when she says “its all about the children.” Keep an eye on your kids and talk to them. I don’t know if she is guilty but it is my opinion that there are to many “isolated incidents” like this going on.

19 thoughts on “Did Polow Commit A Crime in Failing to Report ?”

  1. … there is a chain of
    … there is a chain of command in every school building set up for making reports to Child Protective Services. If Ms. Polow, as a school board member, is liable, then everyone in the school where the incident occurred is also liable.

    1. You won’t get any argument
      You won’t get any argument from me. I believe that every mandated reporter who knew of this incident and failed to report it to the proper authorities. If you Google for “mandated reporter” you will see that the MRs are required to report anything and everything and let authorities figure out if rises to the level of a crime. In this case, the administration of the district in consultation with the school board and the district’s law firm decided NOT to report it. However, they did not fail to report it because they did not believe it was a crime. They failed to report for their own selfish reasons including not wanting to have a scandal on their hands. Certainly part of it was not wanting to determine where that photo went and what other employees might have transmitted it.

      This is what our school system have to come — more interested in protecting adults who act badly towards kids than the kids themselves. This is always been the case, the difference is that this information now has a way to become known in the community.

    2. Bob cox is liable for all of
      Bob cox is liable for all of this in my opinion.

    3. Actually, there is no “chain of command”
      You might think as a teacher, administrator or whatever, that when an incident is suspect, you need to go to your superior. That’s just not true. In fact, anyone bound by mandated reporter status is required to report to CPS regardless of their superior except to, as a professional courtesy, to inform them that they are making the report. This ensures any incident doesn’t fall through the cracks.So, who ever first knew, THEY should have called CPS and CPS would determine if a there is a crime or if, the main thing, the child is in danger.

  2. Why are you singling out
    Why are you singling out Polow? Why not assert that all teh Board members are culpable? I’ll tell you why — you know that the charge is ridiculous, and your only goal is to make political hay out of an unfortunate situation.

    1. Unfortunately, the charge is
      Unfortunately, the charge is true. What makes this case particularly bad is that this is a woman who previously assaulted a child and was allowed to remain, not only on the payroll but in contact with children.

      I singled out Ms. Polow because she is the only board member who was up for election.

      The school board was informed of the incident in January as was the lawyer for the District, Mr. Kehl and the head of the teachers union, Mr. Daly. Pressure was brought to bear to block reporting the incident to CPS or law enforcement in the hope that it would all just go away and Donna Henry could be quietly shuttered to the side until she retires. Meanwhile, Ms. Coleman did her little sexting schtick, lying in claiming that there has been no sexting incidents in New Rochelle.

      Now, even if you do not accept that Donna Henry was engaged in sexting, there is no doubt there WAS a sexting incident because NRPD has an incident report from 12/10/08. Therefore, there is no doubt that Ms. Coleman lied when she said there has not been any sexting incidents in New Rochelle. Further, the letters sent home to parents by people like Bill Evans are intentionally misleading in that they talk about sexting as something that happens elsewhere when their real motivation was an incident that happened here.

      As for the handling of Ms. Henry, she was suspended and then reinstated but assigned to the penalty box at City Hall. If past is prologue, she will be stuck some place out of sight and out of mind and then left there until she quits (unlikely) or retires and keeps her pension.

      This is the same strategy employed by the District with Phil Carino, the monkey/noose guy. He was suspended without pay for a few weeks, allowed to return for a while and then permitted to quietly retire a few weeks ago.

  3. citijofromnewro is none
    citijofromnewro is none other than bob cox himself. You’re a total loser cox. It’s your turn cox. A very nice blog is being started very shortly about YOU, you fat ugly peice of trash. Video and still photos will be taken of you. Your miserable life will be on a spectacle. Oh and expect to get a visit from the police regarding the photos you took in the polling places yesterday. That’s against the law dickweed.

    1. Sorry but I am not
      Sorry but I am not citijofromnewro.

      Now, I will agree that I need to lose weight. Thank you for you concern. I recently had knee surgery and once I complete physical therapy hope to get back to the gym and take the weight off. I am hoping Warren can help me out there. Then I will only be ugly!

      As far as taking pictures in a polling place, there is no law against taking pictures in a public building, nor against a building be used as a polling place. I did not take any pictures in the actually polling place but if you want to report me to the police for this imagined “crime” be my guest.

      Really though you should be in a much happier mood today, right? Your candidates won, the budget passed… so why still so cranky?

      1. thanks, it’s getting better.
        thanks, it’s getting better. They said it would take about 3-4 weeks.

    2. Talk about evil. Who ever
      Talk about evil. Who ever you are, you are evil. I just hope you have nothing to do with the school system or the PTA. I would hate for you to be around my children!!! Why don’t you leave your name, so we all know who we are dealing with. I just can’t believe in name calling. I also notice, that all the blog haters, hate the blog and Mr. Cox, but you all log on to the blog. I find that really funny. Thanks for the laughs.

    3. There really is no need for
      There really is no need for that kind of language. If you truly want to attract readers to your point of view, try expressing yourself rationally. Also, use facts to back up your argument, like Mr. Cox does. For example, providing a copy of the police report can help your position. A ‘still photo’ of Mr. Cox already exists on this blog, so you can probably borrow that for your blog. Oh, and don’t forget to leave readers the URL for your site, that’s a good way to steal readers away from Talk of the Sound! 😉

      1. No one will attract readers
        No one will attract readers to any point of view. The views of the citizens of New Rochelle already exist as proven last night. Good vs Evil and good prevailed as it always does. The good guys won because the “Good” view is just and rational and politically correct. Most of all though, its what’s needed for New Rochelle and what’s needed for the children. Your blowhard lies are over. This site is one big lie and everyone now knows it. Everything from the stories you write to the amount of people that read it. There’s probably 15 people who read this thing 20 times a day and that’s it. 12 of them are against cox and he doesn’t print anything they write. So cut the bullshit COX, nobody gives a shit and anyone else who might want to become one of your cronies for their own personal gain will be defeated as well. You’ll slip eventually cox, evil people always do and criminals always make mistakes. You my friend are a bonafide criminal and sociopath.

      2. Are you saying that the
        Are you saying that the ‘citizens of New Rochelle’ are of one view point even though the vote was NO WHERE NEAR unanimous? Are you saying that those who voted ‘yes’ are ‘good’ and those who voted ‘no’ are ‘evil’? Are you saying that everyone commenting on this site is a lier? I think you are the one who is slipping, my friend.

      3. I really take offense to
        I really take offense to your remarks. I am a GOOD person, not an evil one. I voted NO. I have children in the system. There are a lot of people right know who are hurting. The ecomony is REALLY bad. We don’t need our taxes rasised right know. Does any of these “GOOD” people who voted yes think about that. Why can’t our school system cut back, like the rest of us. And I also know more then 15 people who log on to this site. You seem evil to me. And why would you discribe Mr. Cox as a criminal and sociopath? What has he done so wrong? Tell the truth on what really goes on. Maybe you don’t want the rest of us to know the really stories.

    4. Sorry angry guy
      Sorry you think I am Bob. You can hate me too though. I’m sure your blog will be “nice” considering what the command you have of the English language. Can’t wait to post there too !

  4. She should be let go. What
    She should be let go. What is she doing for our children?

  5. To quote Ms Polow herself”
    To quote Ms Polow herself” you voted for it”. Well, she’s all your now. If anyone wants to call Child protective services to get an outside investigation into this issue call 1-800-342-3720. Ask them why it wasn’t reported right away.

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