HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY…Come for walking tours this summer, to SoNo..starting from the Civil War Monument to the Lincoln Memorial designed building to the WPA Post office and to more places like where Mighty Mouse was made, where Fazzino draws..where Rockwell walked, where Lou Gehrig gandered and where more and more names of famous people from George M Cohan to Eddie Foy to Remington and more..they all walked in SoNoNewRo..Jay Leno, Teresa Brewer Dennis James, Willie Mays, Brandford Marsalis, Ozzie Davis, Ruby Dee ..the names are endless of those who lived or live here…amazing!!!!!!!!
Come to have a Vacation right in your back yard this summer with walking tours on Main Street …and in SoNo..then you can have a great meal at Bella Bella’s, at Little Mexican Restaurant, or Rangoli’s…come and join in the fun…plus 20 more restaurants.. at least in a four block radius…..
Learn more at SoNo NewRo Online