From the Westchester Herald on July 20, 2009
Former New Rochelle Mayor Leonard Paduano felt budget cuts could be made in the city so that no tax increase would be necessary. He recalled how when he was Mayor the City Manager wanted many layoffs to reduce the budget. As Mayor he questioned this and along with Councilman Fran Judge he worked on cuts in the budget. In a time of double digit inflation he produced an extremely small tax increase. He asked why in recent years the City had to sell the Boys and Girls
Club. No one is asking where the break even point in development is.
Speaking at the New Rochelle Citizens Reform Club on Paduano
stated, “The public needs to be educated and we need to wake up people.” For example, the public library was always part of the city budget. In the past the
library was always given the money they needed. Citing his years as a sea cadet who met in the Armory, he felt it was a disgrace that this historic building was allowed to deteriorate. Now the city will spend millions to develop the Echo Bay area. Criticizing the turning over of the waterfront in the east end, he felt this area should be turned over to the people because it is not replaceable.
New Roc was a total waste of land. Where, he asked, “is the break even
point?” and he suggested educating people so they can understand this dilemma. Westchester County is the highest taxed county in the United States and New Rochelle is one of the highest taxed cities in the state.
When he was Mayor developers did not get abatements. He personally would never take campaign money from a developer. Citing I.B.Cohen as a New Rochelle business that could go elsewhere but instead has stayed in New Rochelle because the owner loves the city. Some of the city’s problems in his view were caused by the newspaper (Standard-Star) which “spoon feeds what they want to go public.” The editor during his time of administration thought “she was shaping the destiny of New Rochelle.”
One way he suggested to keep the city budget down would be by restricting bonding since this takes a super majority of council. He questioned whether five members of council will be able to stick together to vote and whether the public will be able to divide this vote. Quoting Thomas Jefferson who said, “government is a necessary evil,” he felt honest government reflects honest people.
Lorraine Pierce, Secretary to the New Rochelle Citizens Reform Club, said it wastoo bad we did not have more elective officials like former Mayor Paduano. His approach to government is what all our elected officials should exemplify.
“No Oe is Loking at the Break Even Point” by Peggy Godfrey
Former New Rochelle Mayor Leonard Paduano felt budget cuts could be made in the city so that no tax increase would be necessary. He recalled how when he was Mayor the City Manager wanted many layoffs to reduce the budget. As Mayor he questioned this and along with Councilman Fran Judge he worked on cuts in the budget. In a time of double digit inflation he produced an extremely small tax increase. He asked why in recent years the City had to sell the Boys and Girls Club. No one is asking where the break even point in development is.
Speaking at the New Rochelle Citizens Reform Club on June 25 Paduano stated, the public needs to be educated. “We need to wake up people.” For example, the public library was always part of the city budget. In the past the library was always given the money they needed. Citing his years as a sea cadet who met in the Armory, he felt it was a disgrace that this historic building was allowed to deteriorate. Now the city will spend millions to allow the development in the Echo Bay area. Criticizing the
the turning over of the waterfront in the east end, he felt this area should have been turned over to the people because it is not replaceable.
New Roc was a total waste of land. Where, he asked, “is the break even point?” and he suggested educating people so they cn understand this dilemma. Westchester County is the highest taxed county in the United States and New Rochelle is one of the highest taxed cities in the state.
When he was Mayor developers did not get abatements. He personally would never take money from a developer. Citing I.B.Cohen as a New Rochelle business that could go elsewhere but instead has stayed in New Rochelle because the owner loves the city. Some of the city’s problems in his view were caused by the newspaper (Standard-Star) which “spoon feeds what they want to go public.” The editor during his time of administration thought “she was shaping the destiny of New Rochelle.”
One way he suggested to keep the city budget down would be by restricting bonding since this takes a super majority of council. He questioned whether five members of council will be able to stick together to vote and whether the public will be able to divide this vote. Quoting Thomas Jefferson sho said, government is a necessary evil,” he felt honest government reflects honest people.
Posted via email from mgodfrey’s posterous
Echo Bay $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Conservative estimates have the current IDA give out at over 80 million dollars . THATS how much “reward” the developer will take from the taxpayer. WE will be subsidizing development with tax hikes . Who do you think is going to pay for the extra costs of police and fire and garbage etc ? Forest City -Ratner will own ALL of that property , even the open space (open space is not publicly owned), and they won’t pay a penny in property tax for 40 years . Your kids will be paying when you’re dead and gone and Noam is in Washington . Thanks a lot
Get Rid of Bramson & Co.
The entire council needs to go and the Democrat machine that has destroyed New Rochelle needs to be investigated under RICO statutes. It has been a criminal enterprise for 50 years. The NRNRC is just another corrupt tool that funnels kickbacks the chosen few.
The council has 3
The council has 3 Republicans on it, keep them and s**tcan the rest, and include the mayor, city manager and all the commissioners.