Shapes of Things to Come for New Rochelle? Mass Arrests in NJ Corruption Case

Written By: Robert Cox

CNN is reporting mass arrests of local officials in New Jersey corruption case. I sure hope of folks in New Rochelle are paying attention:

About 30 people, including some New Jersey mayors and several rabbis, were arrested Thursday in a federal investigation of public corruption, the U.S. attorney’s office in Newark, New Jersey, said…Among those arrested in the public corruption portion of the investigation are Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano III, Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell, New Jersey Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt and Leona Beldini, a Jersey City deputy mayor.

Apparently some Rabbis were involved in laundering money as part of the scheme.

2 thoughts on “Shapes of Things to Come for New Rochelle? Mass Arrests in NJ Corruption Case”

  1. political contributions ?
    Does anyone know who Zygote LLC represents ? Contributions to mayor come from same address as various housing consortiums / lobbyists in ( I think ) the bronx . Just wondering who’s behind the money .

    1. You can write their agent
      You can write their agent and ask who the directors of the LLC are. Or I imagine you could write the department of State with a FOIL..
      5925 BROADWAY
      BRONX, NEW YORK, 10463

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