I sent her office an email and no one replied. After watching all the shouting and screaming on today it looks like these town halls are the place to be this summer. I feel like we’re being cheated!
6 thoughts on “Is Nita Lowey Having One of the Town Halls on Health Care Reform?”
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Organizing against Nita Lowey’s re-election
We are at a Yahoo groups site: NYDistrict 18. We are a mix of affiliations – I’m a Democrat. We are fed up. Below is a letter that I sent to the DNC. You can google me, Joan Chevalier. I am the speechwriter listed there (where you can find my email), or contact us at NYDistrict18@yahoogroups.com
We have just begun. There is also a very good piece on Nita’s non-town halls up at Femisex.
Chairman Tim Kaine
Democratic National Committee
Dear Chairman:
I am a life-long Democrat. I am now organizing against the re-election of Nita Lowey (a Democrat) in Rockland County, NY. See this web site for a description of her infuriating telephone town halls and the disenfranchised Democrats in her district that resulted (as well as a remarkably clear and concise view of the problems with health care reform). See website FemiSex – Nita Lowey town halls – AWOL
The democratically-challenged and politically inept response to those town hall protestors on the part of the DNC and the leadership was exasperating. You apparently viewed the town halls as a venue to make a sales pitch. This was not “dialogue” because you were not prepared to change or incorporate concerns.
The first disastrous town hall meeting that came to my attention offered viewers the staggeringly condescending Kathleen Sebelius – talking down to the protestors, tilting her head in impatience, whispering to Arlen Specter, answering in non-sequitors (“I am not in Congress” – entirely beside the point of the complaint.) The last straw was when she whined, “I have never seen Congress working so hard” – at a time when the American people are on their knees with work and worry! How cloistered can you possibly be?
The American people are facing a tenuous economic and cultural landscape with an essentially unknown President at the helm. The Party decides to push through not one, not two, but three thousand page bills that the members of Congress have obviously barely digested themselves, let alone allowed the American people to digest.
I can’t believe that you are all so self-deceived, so cavalier with the health of the Republic, that the potential unintended consequences of both the cap and trade bill and the health care reform bill (such as it is ) don’t give you pause as well. What If? The What Ifs should scare the bejesus out of you. They are certainly scaring everyone else. What if employers opt to pay a cheap penalty and drop insurance coverage for workers, therefore, forcing us onto a public option? What if the public option forces a transfer of costs onto private insurance? What if the over-hyped green jobs pitch (even Paul Krugman and Rob Stavins don’t buy into that one!) doesn’t materialize quickly enough to offset the jobs lost due to cap and trade? What if the drag on an economy in intensive care is larger than anticipated?
Your best defense against all of those unexpected negatives is the brake of bipartisanship. Your best defense against total ownership for those negatives is the brake of bipartisanship. But in ever way possible – from the mob ad to calling protestors un- American — you denied President Obama any post-partisan credibility, and you demonstrated that we are not on the side of concerned Americans in the center, especially the elderly. Abandon the center and they will assuredly abandon you.
Flabbergasted and offended,
Lowey is weak
Just take a look at the bills that Lowey co-sponsors–zero substance, non-controversial, motherhood & applepie bs. Vote her out–useless
Interesting local person —
There is a woman right now on the corner of Hugenot and North Ave. asking people to sign a petition for “Health Reform Now”.
Some “Town Hall” hey
Like Noam , she doesn’t handle confrontation well . As long as she could surround herself with supporters she’s fine . Doesn’t play well with others.
Nita Lowey Town Hall
Bob she did one over the telephone last night. They contacted me to participate. Seemed boring so I hung up.
Amazing that Nita would not
Amazing that Nita would not do a town hall. After all, her district is overwhelmingly liberal. Maybe folks don’t like that change they got?
Or maybe she’s too busy looking for a new place to live, being that all those pesky minorities are going to be moving into Harrison soon.