Tasti D Lite Hoping to Open Within Next Week (or Two)

Written By: Robert Cox

tast.jpg As we reported a few months ago, the original plan was to open a Tasti D-Lite store in New Rochelle in August. Delays on the buildout have pushed things back a bit but anyone that has stopped by the CVS-Starbucks Wykagyl shopping mall recently knows that the the store appears to be close to ready.

We called the number posted on the front door and the woman who answered confirmed that the store is just about ready to open – the staff is in place, the buildout is just about done – and the hope is to open up by the end of next week or early the following week.

I have never had a frozen dessert from tasti D-List (they cannot call it ice cream for legal reasons due to the lack of buttercream content or something like that) but by all accounts this is the wave of the future when it comes to ice cream stores (in other words, Baskin-Robbins will but them out within 3 years!).