Mayor Bramson and his fellow Democratic council members, deliberately and arrogantly excluded the Republican councilmen from an open discussion to appoint a new city clerk. The Democrats met privately, possibly in violation of the open meetings law, chose a candidate, and presented a take-it-or-leave-it candidate to the Republican council members. The fact that the Republicans were intentionally denied an opportunity to participate was in direct contradiction to Bramson’s inaugural pledge of bipartisanship and transparent government. Bramson deals from a position of power when in the majority, yet flounders when he is solely accountable. I refer to the pending city judge appointment. Anticipating Judge Sherr’s retirement, Bramson has assembled a committee with minimal opposition party representation to make a recommendation and to avoid criticism. He has neither the courage nor the political savoir-faire to make crucial decisions based on merit without a safeguard. This is very evident in his failure to conduct his bi-weekly radio show without a co-host. Isn’t it time for Bramson to see if he can cut it on his own.
Bramson is faced with serious decisions; the judgeship appointment, the civil service director fiasco, the building inspector alleged inappropriateness, relocation of the city yard, Echo Bay and Le Count/Anderson developments etc. All of these important decisions and Bramson focuses on bicycle signs and “green buildings” which will drastically increase construction costs and discourage developers.
I encourage every resident to watch council meetings on the New Rochelle public access channel and see the hostile environment Bramson has created.
Anthony Galletta
Noam Bramson
Noam Bramson only cares about Noam Bramson. His desire is higher political office. His goal is to be a congressperson and then whatever comes after that. Whatever it takes to get there; whatever needs to be compromised; and whoever stands in his way will be steamrolled, is the motto of Noam Bramson. He sees New Rochelle through opaque color glasses that never sees the working class, never sees the immigrant community, never sees the small mom and pop shops and welcomes realtors a& developers who bring bags of money to his political action committee.
Being a great elected official is about transparency. It’s about being inclusive and honest. It’s about not lying or leading a life of double-speak. The hypocrisy neon sign above’s one’s head should not be turned on every time you speak in public. Being a great civic leader is providing an example for our children by being honest and diplomatic. Noam is none of these! We need a leader for all of New Rochelle, who will unite the community, not divide it.
Left of Left Out
…is showing signs that he may allegedly be involved in fraud and possibly more illegal activity simply by his actions alone. By holding private meetings, allowing Domenic Procopio to continue as Municipal Civil Service Commissioner fully knowing that Mr. Procopio has been given illegal tax breaks and who knows what else and having Strome stone wall investigative reporters, and more…
We need everyone to put pressure on the County DA’s Office to investigate the mass corruption that has plagued City Hall since Tim Idoni was mayor. Actually, everyone should call the NY State Attorney Generals Office and US Attorney Generals Office as well, because the corruption may have spread into the County level.
Westchester County DA’s Office: (914) 995-3303
New York State DA’s Office: (800) 771-7755
FBI Office: (845)989-6000 – Ask for a Duty Agent
DemocRATS doing things in
DemocRATS doing things in secret? Wow, what a surprise, NOT. They are currently doing the same thing in Congress. Yes those democRATS, the ones who promise transparency, reaching across the aisle and working with the opposition. If the American people finally wake up and see what this party is doing to our country, they’d string them all up by the neck.
You want to talk real
You want to talk real strife, division and animosity? Just look at the fire dept. Disorder, confusion and patronage….all coming from the top.