Several sources have confirmed that Adele Patrella, listed as a 5th grade teacher at Trinity Elementary School, has been relieved of her teaching responsibilities in her building. It is not clear whether the action taken by the school was involuntary or at the request of Mrs. Patrella. We have been told that Mrs. Patrella, a veteran teacher, was experiencing difficulties with her teaching assignments and may have requested to be removed from the classroom. Furthermore, it is our understanding that another teacher has taken over her class.
Sources describe Mrs. Patrella’s current responsibilities as performing “odds and ends” (i.e. photocopying) throughout the building. Data Central at the Journal News reported Adele Patrella’s 2008 salary at over $120,000 per year. She was the highest paid Teacher at Trinity Elementary School in 2008. Sources at Trinity contacted New Rochelle Community Pulse to express concern and outrage regarding this situation.
Class Size
I wonder if her class size was an unmanageable one. Some 5th grade classes have 28 students at Trinity.