Highest paid teacher at Trinty

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

This is a correction concerning an article posted 12/31/2009. The article states that Adele Patrella was relieved of teaching duties at Trinity Elementary School. Not true. Mrs. Patrella is currently
Co-Teaching in three(3)4th. grade classrooms. This is in effect until she takes over Primary Teacher responsibilites in a 2nd. grade class in March 2010.
Mrs. Patrella is an experienced and dedicated teacher who has been with the District for 21 years.
She previously taught in NYC.

4 thoughts on “Highest paid teacher at Trinty”

  1. Re: Bridge in Brooklyn
    I know all about the ‘Bridge’…I’m from Brooklyn. But apparently you don’t know that Co-teaching is a valuable teaching technique. Checkout NRHS.

    1. Does that mean you’re actually interested in the bridge ?
      You seem confused . It’s parents from Trinity School raising the concern that caused the move into co-teaching to avoid having to answer the very questions raised . If the co-teaching position is so valuable , then why is she being removed from that position ? Are you saying her current students are going to be cheated out of the benefits of this “valuable teaching technique” ?
      Now do you get it ? It has nothing to do with “techniques” and even less with the NRHS . This follows up a concern raised by the very people make the existence of the school district possible . Any question asked demands an honest answer . Period . You’re redirection of the issue only supports inpropriety . Check out the well documented North/South divide in the school system .

  2. I’m sure she’s very nice – a credit to her
    A credit to her profession . But why is someone who is so qualified and so experienced ( $$$ ) relegated to a “co -teaching ” position . Seems odd that the parents of Trinity complained , a post was written about it and suddenly she gets shoved into a classroom to play teacher . Gee whiz Mr Bigciti , I have a bridge for sale in vBrooklyn , are you interested ?

  3. Correction or Corrective Action Forced by Stakeholders?
    It is not difficult to catch the minions of the City School District in a lie. The above post states the following:

    This is a correction concerning an article posted 12/31/2009. The article states that Adele Patrella was relieved of teaching duties at Trinity Elementary School. Not true. Mrs. Patrella is currently Co-Teaching in three(3)4th. grade classrooms.

    The above author claims to challenge the statements of the post Highest Paid Teacher at Trinity Elementary School Relieved of Teaching Responsibilities posted on Thu, 12/31/2009. Nevetheless, Mrs. Adele Patrella is still listed as a 5th grade teacher on the City School District of New Rochelle website as of 7:12 AM of February 3, 2010. Why is Mrs. Patrella listed as a 5th grade teacher? Possibly a simple clerical error on the District website or a small detail missed in yet another failed attempt to cover up the City School District’s lack of moral, ethical and fiscal responsibility towards the New Rochelle Taxpayer posted with the sole purpose of deceiving the public? It is really shameful that is took the District this long to address this. Let’s see how long it takes the District to change the website to reflect Mrs. Patrella’s current assignment. Why is it so difficult for elements within the City School District of New Rochelle to tell the truth?

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