Frank Pasquale, Former Elected Official from New Rochelle, Gets 6 Year Sentence in Connecticut Sex Sting

Written By: Robert Cox

keyboard.jpgFormer New Rochelle Public Library Trustee and School Board candidate Frank Pasquale III, 44, was sentenced Friday to six years in prison under a plea agreement with Connecticut prosecutors stemming from his arrest in 2008 on charges of criminal attempt at second-degree sexual assault. Pasquale was taken directly from the courthouse in Waterbury, CT to begin serving his sentence.

Under terms of the deal, according to Waterbury Court Clerk William Hoey, Pasquale must serve a minimum of 9 months in prison. His sentence may be suspended after 15 months at which point he will be on probation for 10 years. Special conditions which will apply to probation including registering as a sex offender, a prohibition against unsupervised contact with children under 16 years old, no unsupervised visits with his own children without prior notice to his probation officer. Pasquale will also be required to undergo mental health treatment and undergo sex offender evaluation and treatment.

Pasquale was arrested by local police in Naugatuck, Connecticut on January 24, 2008 when he showed up for a meeting to have sex with what he believed to be a 15 year old child.

At the time of his arrest Pasquale was serving on the Board of Trustees of the New Rochelle Public Library. In June 2003, Pasquale defeated incumbent Thomas Leghorn for a seat on the library’s seven-member board in a campaign against the then-new library tax. Leghorn who was vice-president of the board at the time of his defeat was later re-elected to the board and currently services as its President. Pasquale ran twice for the New Rochelle Board of Education, in May 2006 and May 2007. Pasquale’s wife now has custody of their children, both adopted, sources tell Talk of the Sound.

Pasquale pled guilty to three felony counts: Attempt to Commit Sex with a victim between the age of 13-15 years old, Attempt to Commit Risk of Injury to a Child and Attempt to Commit Enticing a Minor by Computer. On the first count, Pasquale received a six year sentence with execution suspended after 15 months with 9 months mandatory and 10 years probation. On the second and third count, Pasquale received a one year sentence to run concurrent with the sentence on the first count.

Former New Rochelle library trustee sentenced to up to 6 years in Conn. prison

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