The New York State School Report Card on New Rochelle

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

The New York State School Report Card – Fiscal Accountability Supplement for New Rochelle City School District (Feb 25, 2010).

New York State Education Law and the Commissioner’s Regulations require the attachment of the NYS School Report Card to the public school district budget proposal. The regulations require that certain expenditure ratios for general education and special education students be reported and compared with ratios for similar districts and all public schools in New York State. The required ratios for this district are reported below.

School Report Card-Financial-small.jpg

Similar District Group Description: Average Need/Resource Capacity

Instructional Expenditures for General Education are K-12 expenditures for classroom instruction (excluding Special Education) plus a proration of building level administrative and instructional support expenditures. These expenditures include amounts for instruction of students with disabilities in a general education setting. District expenditures, such as transportation, debt service, and district-wide administration, are not included.

The pupil count for General Education is K-12 average daily membership plus K-12 pupils for whom the district pays tuition to another school district. This number represents all pupils, including those classified as having disabilities and those not classified, excluding only students with disabilities placed out of district. For districts in which a county jail is located, this number includes incarcerated youth to whom the district must provide an education program.
Instructional Expenditures for Special Education are K-12 expenditures for students with disabilities (including summer special education expenditures) plus a proration of building-level administrative and instructional support expenditures. District expenditures, such as transportation, debt service, and district-wide administration, are not included.

The pupil count for Special Education is a count of K-12 students with disabilities as of December 1, 2007 plus students for whom the district receives tuition from another district plus students for whom the district pays tuition to another district. Students attending the State schools at Rome and Batavia, private placements, and out-of-state placements are included.

Instructional Expenditures Per Pupil is the simple arithmetic ratio of Instructional Expenditures to Pupils. The total cost of instruction for students with disabilities may include both general and special education expenditures. Special education services provided in the general education classroom may benefit students not classified as having disabilities.

2007-2008 School Year Total Expenditures Per Pupil

This School District $20,899
Similar District Group $16,987
All Public Schools $18,365

Total Expenditures Per Pupil is the simple arithmetic ratio of Total Expenditures to Pupils. Total Expenditures include district expenditures for classroom instruction, as well as expenditures for transportation, debt service, community service and district-wide administration that are not included in the Instructional Expenditure values for General Education and Special Education. As such, the sum of General Education and Special Education Instructional Expenditures does not equal the Total Expenditures.

The numbers used to compute the statistics on this page were collected on the State Aid Form A, the State Aid Form F, and the SchooDistrict Annual Financial Report (ST-3).

One thought on “The New York State School Report Card on New Rochelle”

  1. Disturbing on the surface
    It appears New Rochelle’s expenditures, especially for special education, are very high. Does anyone know why?

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