The City of New Rochelle has launched a brand new web site.
In a word: “brilliant”.
A quick first impression: The web site incorporates the latest social media tools, has a pleasing aesthetic, a convenient and logical navigation metaphor and is, according to our calculations, 1.43 billion times better than the previous site. We will have more later when we get some time to go through the site more carefully but overall a fantastic online representation of New Rochelle.
Hats off to Kathy Gilwit, New Rochelle’s Communications and Marketing Manager, for showing great leadership in conceiving and executing the development project and kudos to all the folks who helped her bring the project together over the past year. Great! Great! Great!
A web site our city can be proud of!!!!
Good Start
Finally, a web page we can all be proud of. Thank you Kathy. Caution please not to politicize the site or to give credit where it is not due. In their campaign for re-election, the Mayor or anyone else should not take credit for this.
Excellent Web Site
Congratulations to Kathy Gilwit, New Rochelle Communications Manager, for an excellent redesign of the old New Rochelle web site. Job well done!
Excellent Re-Design
While not an aficionado of technology or the internet, there is no doubt that the new City of New Rochelle website is a vast improvement over the original site. This is one area New Rochelle has taken the lead from our surrounding neighbors and I dare say Westchester and New York State. New Rochelle has supplied a plethora of information online especially the property portal which allows citizens, real estate professionals and prospective home buyers the necessary information to make an informed decision. I do wish the city would re-instate the capability to view tax exemptions (STAR, combat vet etc.). Kudos to Kathy Gilwit for getting the grant and overseeing the implementation.
Anthony Galletta