The New Rochelle Citiizen’s Police Academy will begin on April 20th, 2010 at the New Rochelle Police Department. It meets once each week for ten weeks. If you are interested click here for more information and for an application form to apply.
The NRPD says…
The Citizen Police Academy is designed to strengthen the partnership between the New Rochelle Police Department and the community we serve. Citizens of our community will be introduced to the law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Instructors for the Citizen Police Academy will represent every facet of the New Rochelle Police Department. Included among these instructors will be the Police Commissioner, Division Commanders and other police instructors who have developed presentations on selected topics. It is the goal of the Citizen Police Academy to provide the community with an accurate insight of their Police Department and encourage increased interaction between New Rochelle Police Officers and the citizens of New Rochelle.