New Rochelle Student Makes Dean’s List at University of Notre Dame

Written By: Robert Cox

owen at ND.jpgWhat’s the point of running a web site if you can’t use it for a bit of shameless promotion? “Owen” — his full name is William Owen Cox — earned a full scholarship to Notre Dame last year and demonstrated the University’s faith in Owen’s ability was well-placed.

Today, Notre Dame sent out a press release about my son.

For Immediate Release
May 26, 2010

William Cox of New Rochelle, New York has been named to the dean’s list in the University of Notre Dame’s First Year of Studies for outstanding scholarship during the Spring 2010 semester.

Student’s who achieve dean’s honors at Notre Dame represent the top 30% of the students in their college

Notre Dame is currently ranked #20 among National Universities by U.S. News & World Report. Princeton Review ranked Notre Dame #7 among “Dream Colleges”, places parents would like their children to attend college if acceptance and cost were not an issue (in order, the Top 10 “dream schools” are Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, MIT, Yale, UCLA, Notre Dame, Brown, USC and NYU)

Go Irish!

Read the official press release here: University of Notre Dame Announcement

9 thoughts on “New Rochelle Student Makes Dean’s List at University of Notre Dame”

  1. “So shines a good deed in a weary world”
    Outstanding! Like the sign says- “Play like a champion today”- You obviously took it to heart and made the most of it. Enjoy the summer down time, you’ve earned it! Congratulations to the Cox family.

  2. I hope he makes an
    I hope he makes an application for the summer intern job @ Talk of the Sound as he certainly would be a great asset to a growing great publication.

  3. Hi,
    I feel pleased to read

    I feel pleased to read the story you have shared. It is a privilege and I feel proud on it. Congratulations!

  4. Great Job Owen
    Congrats to Owen and the Cox family. It’s apparent that Owen takes after his mother (LOL). Keep up the good work and best of luck in the future.

  5. Congratulations Owen
    Congratulations William Owen Cox. What a wonderful achievement. Your parents must be very proud, and well they should be. We all wish you the very best in Notre Dame and in all your life endeavors.

  6. Congralations to William and all the Cox Family
    This is a well deserved honor. The whole family should share in this honor but William certainly deserves all the credit due him. Keep up the good work. Peggy

  7. Notre Dame Needs to Be Investigated!!!

    How’s that for a headline. Tell him to keep it up! Nice job.

    I do have a question here about the dream schools. NOBODY I know ever had dreams about Brown. Now Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN thats what I call living the dream!

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  8. deans list
    well done william owen cox and more than most people know. bob and mom must be over the moon. keep it going and have fun this summmer

    warren gross

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