Talk of the Sound has been selected for inclusion in Google News, one of the world’s most popular news portals. Google News is a computer-generated news site that aggregates headlines from news sources worldwide, groups similar stories together and displays them according to each reader’s personalized interests.
We are VERY proud to be part of Google News. Ecstatic would be an understatement. This is a very big deal.
While Google does not disclose details, there are an estimated 4,500 English-Language news sites included in Google News — out of many millions. Really, all we can say is…”Wow! Wow! Wow!” and “Awesome!!!” Yep that will be Talk of the Sound right alongside The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Reuters, AP and the rest of the big boys (and the Journal News).
Thanks Google Team!!!!
Here is the email we received from Google.
Great news! This message is to confirm that we’ve reviewed and added your site to Google News. The inclusion of your articles should be processed within the next few days. Please retain this message and refer to it should you have any issues with your site in Google News.
Google News Information
Site name: Talk of the Sound
Site location: New Rochelle, New York, USA
Sample of the sections we should crawl for your site:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3: you need to make any changes to the information above, please reply to this email.
To complete your site’s inclusion in Google News, please check out our resources at:
This will help you:
– confirm the inclusion of your articles in Google News;
– create a Google News sitemap to optimize your site for Google News;
– troubleshoot your site in Google News;
– visit the Google News forum and engage with other publishers in Google News.
Thanks for your interest in Google News.
The Google Team
You can now set up Google News Alerts to get information from Talk of the Sound on topics that interest you.
NOTE: Yes, that is a very rare all caps headline. This story is that big for us.
I’m glad to contribute –
You have a typo on your Google News link. It should be –
But, anyway! Keep up the good work!
Well Done Everyone !
Amazing, you take a guy with a great idea, add an interesting cast of characters, hard work and lively discussion, and all of a sudden Google wants a piece. What took them so long? Great job, Great job. Now, back to work!
Well deserved!
Time to step up our game.
Well deserved.
Great Job!
Congrats to Bob Cox and all the Talk of the Sound members, readers and of course to New Rochelle for being the out of the ordinary community which inspires great stories, articles and personal insight from a diverse community. It has been my pleasure to participate and interact on this blog and I look forward to many more years of doing so.
Great Job Bob!