Varian Sold Out

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

I have taken Greg Varian to task because when push comes to shove Greg always folds to the demands of the Democratic Party. Greg took issue with this in a recent phone conversation. I noted that he refused to take a position on the lawsuit being considered by the democratic majority on the county board against County Executive Astorino. Greg said, obviously you didn’t watch the Journal News candidates interview, which I didn’t as I was attending a funeral, so I took Greg at his word and said ok this is the first time you have bucked the party. After that conversation I went to the Journal News website and watched the interview. To my astonishment Greg lied to me. Maybe this isn’t astonishing to anyone else but I respect those who respect me and although Greg and I differ in philosophy neither of us has had the disrespect to lie to make a point, gain an upper hand in a debate or attain office. Let me quote Greg Varian’s response as to whether he would support the pending legal action being considered by the democratic county legislators; “I would urge my fellow democrats not to pursue litigation”. Greg revealed that Chairman Jenkins had spoken to him so to go from his original stance of I don’t know the details to “I urge my fellow democrats not to pursue litigation” is nothing more than politically spinning a no answer into a party approved no answer to become elected.

The Journal News and Varian supporters would probably respond that Ms. Marcotte would be just as party line oriented but truth be told she has governmental experience which Greg does not and the electorate of Westchester ousted a three-term tax & spend democrat to mandate reform and reduce government when they overwhelmingly elected County Executive Rob Astorino. The question one must ask in this special election is; Who will best assist Rob Astorino in eliminating waste, duplication of services, downsizing government and control spending to minimize the tax burden on the resident of Westchester County? There is no question that Sheila Marcotte is the most qualified candidate; there is no question that Sheila Marcotte is best equipped to support County Executive Rob Astorino and there is no question that Sheila Marcotte has the moxie to do so.

Finally when Greg Varian set out to become elected this year it was not for a seat on the county board of legislators it was to become the next New Rochelle City Judge for that is where his expertise lies. The problem he faced is that there were four other candidates and Greg was the “stepchild” to the New Rochelle Democratic City Committee. There was fear of a democratic primary so legislator Pintos’ resignation was a timely godsend in that the NR Democrats could throw Greg a bone, support the favored child, Sue Kettner, and attempt to silence other candidates by requiring them to sign a “pledge” not to primary or accept other endorsements. Greg Varian is a democrat I could consider supporting but in the upcoming special election Greg has been bought off and cowed down to the party to keep peace and present the public appearance of unity. Greg has stated numerous times that his adult life has been dedicated to protecting the little guy and indeed it has but protecting the little guy legally not politically. In my opinion Greg Varian sold-out his life’s dedication for three pieces of gold. This scenario lends credence to the alleged misconduct of New Rochelle Democrats as reported here; While I hope this is not the case it would answer questions that have been unanswered for over 20-years about New Rochelle’s development and unprecedented tax abatements.