MAYOR BRAMSON’S “PEARL HARBOR” LETTER: “…the parcel known as the New Rochelle Armory site”

Written By: Robert Cox

Bramson Letter to Latimer-Small.jpg

NOTE: I have included the full text below for search engine purposes.

Hon. Jeffrey Klein
Capitol Building Room 427
Albany, NY 12247
Via FAX: 518·426-6887

Hon. Suzl Oppenheimer
Legislative Office Building. Room 806
Albany, NY 12247
Via FAX: 518-426·6860

Hon. Amy Paulin
Legislative Office Building, Room 621
Albany, NY 12248
Via FAX: 518·455·5409

Hon. George Latimer
Legislative Office Building, Room 656
Albany. NY 12248
Via FAX: 518·455-4861

Dear Senators Klein and Oppenheimer, Assembly Members Paulin and Latimer:

I am writing to request the drafting and filing of State legislation under Home Rule provisions to allow the City of New Rochelle to have full power of ownership, and the authority to convey same. of the parcel known as the New Rochelle Armory site. This parcel holds great potential for achieving important planning and economic objectives on the Echo Bay Waterfront including enhanced public access to the Long Island Sound shore.

The New Rochelle City Council is likely to hold a meeting on June 30th, during which a Home Rule resolution on this matter could be considered and acted upon. This timing would permit subsequent consideration by both houses the State Legislature, prior to the conclusion of the current session.

The City of New Rochelle has not yet approved specific plans for this parcel, and would not do so without the full analysis, public notice and community input required under SEQR. It is essential to note that adoption of the requested State legislation would not prejudge the outcome of such a process. Nonetheless, by having full control of the site without any impediment, the people of New Rochelle can best advance their own goals for the waterfront renewal and respond flexibly to shifting economic circumstances and opportunities.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance.


Noam Bramson

2 thoughts on “MAYOR BRAMSON’S “PEARL HARBOR” LETTER: “…the parcel known as the New Rochelle Armory site””

  1. Lattimer saves the day
    If not for the incompetence of Assemblyman George Lattimer who couldn’t sponsor a bill that could pass muster and the speedy retort of the Save Our Armory committee spearheaded by Mr. Tocci and Mr. Parent this sneak attack may have succeeded. Be wary New Rochelle because this bill will resurface and now George has learned that 1 + 1 doesn’t equal 3

  2. The Mayor got one thing right…
    “…this parcel holds great potential for achieving important planning and economic objectives on the Echo Bay Waterfront….” YES, but as the renovated Armory.

    And if this wasn’t already abundantly clear, “enhanced public access to the Long Island Sound shore” is a codeword for demolishing the Armory. See the FAQ from the Echo Bay project site:

    Why are we tearing down the old armory? Isn’t it a monument and memorial to our veterans?

    The armory was always intended to be a functional and useable building and not a monument or memorial to our honored veterans. Its present location and size make it impossible to open up access to the shoreline for all New Rochelle residents to enjoy.

    Indeed, a renovated Armory holds great potential for achieving important planning and economic objectives on the Echo Bay Waterfront. An appropriately utilized Armory would serve as the catalyst for revitalization for that area even in the absence of Echo Bay. If Echo Bay is built, it would reinforce other complementary retail uses in the development. It would knit together and provide a so-called “third place” for many members of our community. It would be a small but reasonable development step that New Rochelle could be proud of. Plain and simple, renovating the Armory is a good idea.

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