When you work for the State of New York you are subject to more scrutiny than most in any other type work place simply because your salary is being funding with taxpayers dollars. It comes with the territory that your position always has a spotlight on it, from the Governor on down.
Doing the right thing is paramount, especially when you represent the highest office of law enforcement. When you don’t do it straight, the cockroaches come out of the walls by the thousands just to point at your shortcomings.
The new story today that spouted is that there is a active search of the person that submitted the comments on this blog and throughout the college as well. “Teflon” is interested in filing a lawsuit regarding defamation of character, libel or slander against the emailer/commenter.
The man, a law school dropout, has to get his daily fix of not being in the courtroom, by watching the “People’s Court” everyday at lunchtime, hoping to figure out who is telling the truth. Yet when he sat with Costa during the interview, he was clueless to the background of the man he hired and never spent “two seconds” to Google the man.
What good is his existence if he could not see this situation plain as day?
The fact is, that what was written and submitted, was true and even though the truth hurts, you have continually abused your power to terrorize the college, and your employees, for years. Unfortunately, no one will be coming forward to make a complaint, as outlined in the President’s recent memo, as you have neatly snuffed all the previous people who went up against the system, so that would be a fruitless procedure.
To start with, making a case against anyone for these items listed above would mean that the items written against you are untrue, which they are not. Also remember there is that one little amendment, regarding freedom of speech, maybe you missed that semester when you were in school. Remember it’s not what you know; it’s what you can prove, in the real world.
Good luck in your search for the suspects. I would venture to say that the person has no worries, as it recently took 10 of your officers 100’s of hours reviewing miles of video to find a cheap pair of glasses.