The New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) will hold public statement hearings, and otherwise invites public comments, on a proceeding on motion of the Commission as to the rates, charges, rules and regulations of United Water New Rochelle Inc. (UWNR) for water service. The Proposal to raise rates is on the New York State web site.
Interested members of the public may provide their comments regarding this matter at public statement hearings to be held as follows:
Monday, August 2, 2010 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
New Rochelle City Hall
Public Hearing Room
515 North Avenue
New Rochelle, New York 10801
The public will have an opportunity to present its comments at the hearings before Administrative Law Judge Eleanor Stein. A verbatim transcript of the hearing will be made for inclusion in the record of this proceeding.
To speak at the hearings, it is not necessary to make an appointment in advance or present written material. Persons will be called to speak after completing a request card. All comments at the hearings will be transcribed and become part of the Commission’s formal record. The hearing will remain open and will continue until everyone wishing to speak has been heard or other reasonable arrangements are made.
Disabled persons requiring special accommodations may place a collect call to the Department of Public Service’s Human Resource Management Office at (518) 474-2520 and should contact that office as soon as possible.
Other Ways to Comment
Writing: Those who cannot attend or prefer not to speak at a public statement hearing may comment by writing to Hon. Jaclyn A. Brilling, Secretary, Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350 or electronically at . Your comment should refer to “Case 09-W-0824.”
Toll-Free Opinion Line: You may comment through the Commission’s Opinion Line at 1-800-335-2120. This number is set up to take comments about pending cases from in-state callers, 24 hours a day. Callers should select English or Spanish and press “1” to leave comments.
Internet: You also may comment using the PSC Comment Form. On the homepage of the Commission’s consumer website: (1) click on “Contact Us” and then (2) click on “Comment Form.” The Comment Form also can be accessed through the Commission’s other website: click on “ & Consumer Assistance,” then (2) click on “we want to know what you think” under “PSC Comment Form,” then (3) click on “form.”
All comments using these methods should be submitted, or mailed and postmarked, no later than September 6, 2010. All statements at the hearings and other comments will become part of the record, will be made available at, and will be reported to the Commission for its consideration.CASE 09-W-0824 -3-
Persons interested in the filings in this proceeding may view them at On the homepage, click on “Water” and then click on “UWNR Rate Case.”
This matter is being heard in Case 09-W-0824 – Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to the Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations of United Water New Rochelle Inc. for Water Service.