New Rochelle GOP Press Release:
New Rochelle, NY- A coalition of New Rochelle City Council members have expressed their shock and dismay at the actions of a group of their politically motivated colleagues who have decided to deny the voters of District 3 the right to choose their own representative through the Nov. 2nd special election process.
“These Council members, led by Mayor Noam Branson, are exploiting a tragic situation for their own political benefit to the detriment of city residents” said Councilman Richard St. Paul. “Our hearts go out to Mrs. Stowe for her tragic loss, and have no doubt she is being exploited for political gain.
As the only African-American member of the Council, I feel strongly that the minority voters who comprise most of District 3 should not be disenfranchised and treated as second-class citizens.
Frankly speaking, I suspect these political opportunists would not have attempted this in another council district.”
“The business of the people is serious. There is no place for political games in these challenging times,” said Councilman Lou Trangucci.
Additionally, Councilman Albert Tarantino cautioned his colleagues about playing politics and political games at the expense of the serious needs of the citizens of New Rochelle. “Just last week, our colleagues called for a special election and urged that the winner immediately fill the vacant seat. Unfortunately, like typical politicians, they have decided to go back on their word and pull a stunt. These kinds of conniving actions are fueling voters’ discontent with elected officials and I predict will lead to them possibly losing this seat, hence the political gamesmanship,” he added.
Councilman St. Paul noted that this is not the first attempt by the Council to attempt to manipulate the District 3 seat, only to have their actions and decisions overturned by a Federal Court.“As one of the attorneys in the federal lawsuit against some of the current members of the council who are once again engaging in Jim Crow tactics, I specifically recall the testimony of a former council member, who said the decision to remove a percentage of African-American voters out of District 3 was made by some of the members of this same group,” Councilman St. Paul said. “These wrongful actions of that council led to the victory of Councilman Stowe, who ironically, was not backed by this group at that time. For these same people to once again try to oppress the African-American community in New Rochelle is an insult to Councilman Stowe’s legacy.”
Councilmen St. Paul, Trangucci and Tarantino have placed the appointment to District 3 as a matter for discussion at the upcoming September 15, 2010 council meeting. The public meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.“We encourage District 3 and all New Rochelle residents to voice their concerns and participate at this important meeting,” Councilman St. Paul said.
Bramson wants to continue
Bramson wants to continue his 4-3 monopoly of all votes so he can continue the quality work he has brought to New Rochelle. How else will we continue to get Cappelli and all the success he has brought. Take a look around how many of us really want to end all of this success. Bike lanes to no place, GreeNR, IDA Gone Wild. The plethora of Bramson is just a wonderful thing.
It would be interesting to have facts on how the Honorable James Stowe voted. How many times did he vote along with Noam. Did he vote against him much? Did he vote against him ever? This is not a reflection on him he was a good guy with good values and principals but you sort of get drawn into playing ball on issues that you are not strongly for or against. In Sussman and Fertel’s case they are just a Rubber Stamp for Noam.
Mrs. Stowe certainly deserves better than being a tool for Bramson’s political manuevers but as an adult we all make our own choices. The people of New Rochelle deserve better, the people of district 3 deserve better and in the end Bramson, Sussman and Fertel have revealed themselves. 2 mediocre attorneys and a Harvard Grad who muffed up that ticket to ride.
It will come to an end before the economy improves to see any development proceed. They have gotten the attention of the regular people and when we are sleeping Talk of the sound nudges us awake.
How many of us wonder how these Politicians can vote things in the direction that they do, while we are scratching our heads.
A wonderful idea mucked up by partisan pettiness. New Rochelle would be well served to have Roxie Stowe fill the Council seat of her late husband. If opposing Council members did their homework before making inflammatory statements perhaps they would inspire more confidence in their party.
New Rochelle would be well served by this woman of integrity and intellect.
To use such words as “exploitation” and “disenfranchised” serve only to magnify the ignorance of those opposed to this appointment.
Regardless of the eventual process, there is no one more qualified, better suited to represent or fitting a tribute than Roxie Stowe.
You’ve got to be kidding me
We’re talking about running a city of 70,000 people that is at the most crucial point in its history. Development of downtown, development of David’s Island, development of the waterfront, shrinking tax base, corruption in the city gov’t being exposed every day and you think the widow of a council person is the best choice? She may be a nice person, she may be honest but we need a real leader who knows business, knows development, knows how to build a city and won’t rubber stamp corrupt ideas. Enough is enough!
Best Candidate
Let’s cut to the chase. This is an appointment and should be handled like any other appointment in the city regardless of the appointee(s). All candidates submit a cover letter and Bio/resume and the appointee(s) decide who is best qualified to fill the vacant position. This process removes the partisan politics from both sides and makes govermment transparent. If the residents of district three truly want and deserve the best representation this is the procedure to follow.
What a windbag you are.
When I go rollerblading it’s my decision. No one forces my hand. What evidence do you have that anyone forced mrs stowe to do anything?
Talk about cheep trick. Your disgust is totally disingenuous. You could care less. You’re just a bitter Betty party of one.
Roberta the Postperson
Live by the sword, die by the sword
Rollerblading, no wonder the post office needs to stop Saturday delivery. But back to the subject, the democrats put out the original press release stating that they intended to leave district 3 unrepresented until the special election was certified. They stated explicitly that district 3 would be unrepresented for a minimum of 3 months. The republicans stated that was unacceptable. If Mrs. Stowe or any other democratic resident felt motivated to fill the vacancy they should have stepped forward and announced their candidacy. Ms. Quarles did and was nominated as an interim. The interim process has been established by the democrats in that an interim replacement serves until the end of the year and the winner of the special election takes office on the following January. This process was followed for interims replacing Rhoda Quash, Jack Quinlan, Tim Idoni and Noam Bramson. It is the democrats that denied district 3 representation and after the republicans nominated someone who exceeded the democratic standard and could not be opposed based on expertise the democrats drafted Mrs. Stowe. If Mrs. Stowe is appointed, she and the democrats should be bound by the system they invoked. The interim appointee who ever that may be should be prepared to serve the residents of district 3 through December 31, 2010.
Mayor Bramson and the democrats should be disgraced putting Mrs. Stowe, a grieving window, in the middle of their self-made political firestorm. Bramson and the democrats are so power hungry they pressured Mrs. Stowe to comply with their monkey business. It is obvious that the democrat’s flip-flop on an interim appointment was a knee jerk reaction to candidate Pearl Quarles because it is impossible to find anyone in District 3 and I dare say in the entire City of New Rochelle more qualified then Ms. Quarles. That’s why the democrats coerced Mrs. Stowe to take part in their last-second Hail Mary attempt to regain council majority. This is a shameless action whcih takes advavtange of a grieving widow for political gain.
I will campaign aggressively against Bramson and Dems for this.
This is a new low for New Rochelle. I will raise money, donate time, organize people and hand out materials to destroy this vote scheme that has been going on for years. We need to get rid of the powers that be and bring in some investigative people to see what has been going on for the last 7 years (statute for fraud).