Fall Leaf Collection Begins October 18

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

falling-leaves.pngNew Rochelle, NY— The Department of Public Works will begin fall leaf collection on October 18 and continue through December. Bagged leaves will be picked up city wide on the following dates:

November 6, 13, & 20th, December 4, 11, & 18th, 2010.

With the onset of leaf collection, yard
waste collection is suspended until spring.

Street sweeping will be suspended from October 18 until leaf collection is completed; however, alternate side of the street parking rules will remain in effect to facilitate leaf removal. Sweeping will continue in the downtown as weather permits and main arteries will be swept after completion of leaf removal as needed, weather permitting.

Leaf Collection Do’s and Don’ts


-Rake leaves into neat piles or wind rows near the curb line of your property to facilitate pickup.
-Place leaves in brown recycling bags for Saturday pickups


-Put leaves in plastic bags
-Obstruct traffic lanes, catch basins or fire hydrants with leaf piles
-Park cars on top of or near leaf piles
-Mix branches in with leaves, as equipment may be damaged

Information concerning leaf removal operations can be obtained by calling the Leaf Information Hot Line at 654-6510. Additional inquires or concerns please call 235-4029 between 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

Patience and cooperation during the leaf pickup season is appreciated, so that pick-up can be carried
out effectively as scheduled.

2 thoughts on “Fall Leaf Collection Begins October 18”

  1. Despite the City continuing
    Despite the City continuing to pick up grass clipping bags until the week of Oct 11, landscapers throughout the area are already dumping the grass clippings in with the leaves that are starting to line the streets.

  2. Not that hard, right?
    The City of New Rochelle seems to have resolved their dilemma regarding press releases — they did not want to “recognize” Talk of the Sound by including the publication on their email list of media outlets getting press releases but they could not explain why anyone who wants one should be DENIED a copy of a press release from their local government.

    Talk of the Sound does not require “recognition” was media by any government because we live in a country with a First Amendment where the government is not allowed to make any laws restricting the freedom of the press. We do not really care why the City is making the press releases available to anyone who wants them just that they do.

    BTW, how much air time do you think Channel 12 or WVOX plan on giving the news that leaf collection starts on October 18th? how many column inches will this press releases get one the pages of the Journal News. Our guess is slim and none. Meanwhile, thousands of people will see this information on Talk of the Sound. Not bad for nothing.

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