Romensko Blog Picks up New Rochelle Patch Plagiarism Story; Media Bistro Piles On

Written By: Robert Cox

jimromenesko.pngJim Romenesko’s blog/column on the web site has long been a “must read” among journalists around the country so that he is linking our story about New Rochelle Patch means reporters at every paper in the United States now know what Patch did in stealing our work and passing it off as their own. Still no reply to my request that they remove the image so it looks like I need to take “next steps” to force them to take it down or pay up for using my work on their site.

More to read: New Rochelle Patch accused of lifting rival’s content

UPDATE: MediaBistro, another side widely read by journalists, has their own version, Hearst Sees a Future in the Tablet While Patch Struggles in New Rochelle, Plus Other News of the Day. The article states, incorrectly, that the photo has been taken down. As of Tuesday morning it is still there.


AOL Patch Debuts New Rochelle Operation by Plagiarizing From Talk of the Sound

New Rochelle Patch Doubles-Down, Denies Plagiarism of Talk of the Sound

Romensko Blog Picks up New Rochelle Patch Plagiarism Story; Media Bistro Piles On

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AOL Statement: Regarding the mug shot issue with New Rochelle Patch admitting editor lied