Hard Luck Church Hit by Electrical Wires, Blaze Guts Vestibule

Written By: Robert Cox

image411465756.jpgThe Pentecostal House of Prayer church on Union Avenue and Webster, struck by lightening last week, was set on fire early this morning. It is the second time in as many weeks the building has caught fire due to a passing storm.

Firefighters at the Webster Firehouse, a block away, were alerted to the fire by an area resident who knocked on the firehouse door at 5 am, according to a firefighter on scene.

Deputy Fire Chief Lou DeMiglio said NRFD had not completed their investigation but downed electrical lines and black powder above the front door indicated a Con Ed line fell, touched the building and sparked a fire that worked it’s way inside the building. Dimiglio said when firefighters opened the door flames shot up the ceiling. the fire was put out around 7 am


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