I recently read comments saying that Peter Parente is a racist. It is a shame that LIES that defame ones character are allowed on the Internet. It is also a shame that people who afraid of change must spout LIES that defame a war heros character. I know Peter Parente very well, have spent time with him, hung around alot with him, worked on the parade with him and NEVER EVER heard him make a racist statement EVER. His brother is an African-American. He grew up in a very diverse family and loves people of all races and nationalities. He served in the Marines with people of every possible race and does NOT have a racist bone in his body or the slighest racist thought Ever. If I didn’t respect this man as much as I do, I wouldn’t waste my time responding to IDIOTS who have te resort to LIES and Defamation because they are afraid that Peter will win the Election and their might just be some change in this city that can surely use some. I must stand up for this great man who put his life on the line for me and even for the IDIOT who made these Slanderous comments. Obviously, Peter Prente has more character in his toe than you have altogether. It is easy for the cowards to make untrue slanderous comments where they can hide behind a user name and don’t have to be accountable for them.
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Mr Parente Is a GENTLEMEN
south side man
I said it before, I say it again.
The man is a GENTLEMEN…………