Times Editorial Comes on the Heels of Endorsement from Mayor Bloomberg
WHITE PLAINS – State Senate candidate Bob Cohen (R,I,C – 37th District) was today endorsed by the New York Times. In their endorsement, the Times wrote:
“The Republican candidate, Bob Cohen, dares to name United States Senator Jacob Javits — a voice of thoughtful moderation — as his hero. He is challenging Senator Suzi Oppenheimer, a Democrat, who has held the seat for 26 years.
A real estate executive and political newcomer, Mr. Cohen has promised to focus on straightening out the mess of a state budget. He wants to cap state spending with adjustments for inflation, set long-term targets for Medicaid and schools, and eliminate “all V.I.P. tax credits to politically connected insiders.” Mr. Cohen says he wants to work with both sides of the aisle, a revolutionary idea, especially in this polarized year. Senator Oppenheimer is a person of integrity, but she has too little to show for her years in Albany. ”
We support Bob Cohen, the Republican, in District 37.
View the Times endorsement here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/29/opinion/29fri3.html
Listen to the NY Times and Retire Suzi Oppenheimer!
Did anyone watch the debate on News-12?
Here’s a link in case your interested. http://www.news12.com/news/article.jsp?articleId=263506&rand=17285529
If your not interested, here’s a summary: she got pinned in the 1st minute of the 1st round. She didn’t answer any questions directly and was vague on the answers she did give. She rambled so much that she only finished a couple of answers. Cohen answered questions directly and without hesitation.
Our choice is clear and so is the answer, Bob Cohen is the only candidate worth voting for.
For those of you not having a great day or for those you in need of a good laugh, get out this video of Suzi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7pVOG5Y3UA
Warning: You may fall off you seat and may harm yourself. This warning is no joke.