New Rochelle Police Department are investigating a bizarre sheep-beheading and possible sexual assault this weekend. A sheep body and severed head was found in the Ward Acres Park in New Rochelle. Yonkers police joined the investigation after a similar incident in Yonkers in which it was determined that the
sheep goats found in Yonkers had been sexually assaulted. New Rochelle police are seeking to determine whether the sheep found in Ward Acres was sexually assaulted.
New Rochelle police declined to provide details or confirm the incident.
UPDATE: The remains of the sheep were found Sunday morning by a resident walking their dog. The dog led their owner to the remains. There was no sign the the decapitation was done in the park and no signs of decomposition of the body, suggesting the animal was beheaded elsewhere and the remains dumped in the park overnight.
UPDATE: Police report from New Rochelle Police Department states an anonymous person made a 911 call to police at 9:13 AM on Sunday November 7th reporting “decapitated dead white animal- poss large dog or sheep near house next to stone wall/ro advised several sheep” at Ward Acres/Broadfield Road location. 7 police officers responded to the scene. Police called the ASPCA at 10:29 AM. Most officers left the scene about that time but on police unit remained on scene until shortly after 1 PM.
UPDATE: Journal News picks up our sheep decapitation story. They are reporting there were two decapitated sheep found.
Initial speculation is that the animals were sacrificed, Strome said. Det. Ken Ross of the SPCA Police said the decapitated sheep do not appear to be linked to dead goats found bound with tape and sexually abused in Yonkers about two years ago.
The JN provided a confidential tip line for the ASPCA: 914-941-7797.
UPDATE: The story we broke Sunday has been picked up by local and regional media…
Fox News 5: Decapitated Sheep Found In Park
Journal News: Decapitated sheep found in New Rochelle park
New Rochelle Patch: Headless Sheep Found in Ward Acres Park
Channel 12 News: Sheep found decapitated in New Rochelle park
Thanks for the clarification.
Thanks for the clarification.
Seems like another series of “isolated” incidences.
Hope they catch the responsible parties, sooner than later.
Two more beheaded sheep in Ward Park?
Fox 5 just aired video of two beheaded sheep almost side by side in Ward Park.
Does this raise the total to four, one in Yonkers and three in New Rochelle?
Nope, they are just late to the party
We broke the story on Sunday. On Monday the SPCA made photos available. I only discovered that this morning. I spoke to the detective today and he said he would send me the photos tonight. Not that it will be a pretty site but for those who want to view the photos we hope to have them soon.
In any case, the SPCA has concluded that the Yonkers case and the New Rochelle care are not related — and there were two decapitated sheep in New Rochelle and NONE in Yonkers (they had goats not sheep)
I bet you if that sheep were
I bet you if that sheep were alive and found its way into the school the police would have been called faster than the intruder at Barnard.