Bien venidos a La Charla de New Rochelle!

Written By: Robert Cox

Bien venidos a La Charla de New Rochelle! El primer y unico periodico sirviendo a la comunidad latina de New Rochelle.

“La Charla” es una plataforma donde uno puede discutir su interes, compartir ideas y discutir los acontecimientos en la communidad Latina de New Rochelle. Cualquier persona puede escribir lo que quiere sobre el gobierno local, las escuelas, su restaurante favorito o cualquier que cosa!

Visiten con frequencia si quiere aprender lo que es La Charla de New Rochelle!

8 thoughts on “Bien venidos a La Charla de New Rochelle!”

  1. Algo de gran importancia
    Desde que yo llegue a NEw Rochelle, siempre lo he visto como un lugar de refugio y un lugar donde criar mi familia pero durante los ultimos anos todos hemos notado un gran cambio.

    Como Latino entiendo la importancia de encontrar un lugar sano y seguro para desarollar un negocio, criar ninos y crear un ambiente suficientemente bueno para vivir largos dias. Mas estos ultimos anos, los Latinos que han llegado no le han dado la misma importancia y los otros grupos etnicos lo han notado. Nuestros ninos corren las calles como locos y hasta han traido pandillas que NUNCA han EXistido a New Rochelle.

    Creo que es tiempo que crean una poliza para que los padres ejercer mas control sobre sus hijos. Por eso que los de New Rochelle siempre mentan que los Latinos son de cierta manera y estan danando a este pueblo. Necesitamos tomar control de nuestra gente para aqui nos tomen en serio.

    Aunque todavia me siento orgulloso de ser Latino, trato lo mejor posible de no asociarme con personas que nos hacen ver como personas salvajes.

    Con sabiduria podemos cambiar.

    1. A bit of effort but it works…
      Post translated:

      ilprofessore on Fri, 11/26/2010 – 17:10 Title: Something of great importance since I came to New Rochelle, I have always seen as a place of refuge and a place to raise my family but in recent years have all noticed a big change. As Latino understand the importance of finding a safe and healthy place to develop a business, raise children and create an environment good enough to live long days. But these last few years, Latinos who have arrived have not given the same importance and other ethnic groups have noticed. Our kids run the streets like crazy and have even brought gangs that have never existed in New Rochelle. I think it’s time to create a policy for parents to exert more control over their children. Why the New Rochelle always mind that Latinos are a certain way and these people are hurting. We need to take control of our people to take us seriously here. Although I still am proud to be Latino, I try my best not to associate with people who make us look like wild people. With wisdom we can change. Login or register to post comments

      1. Good but….
        I trust you are not intending to translate every article and comment in spanish and then post it into the comments, right? That sort of defeats the purpose.

      2. Nah…just taking the new features for a spin
        Got it. Bad idea to translate and post.

        Continuing on…

        This is our town square and those who want to be heard and understand the issues and concerns of others using other languages will make the effort to do so. I care and want to know and will make the effort.

        Google offers a website translation service (check out America Oggi) but I do not know if this service will work with different languages on the same web site.

        I am sure technology will catch-up.

        Great website…Thanks!

  2. Translation button?
    Congrats on the soft launch. Will there be a translation button for non Spanish speakers?

      1. Google’s language translation button does not work on La Charla
        I cannot get the Google translation button to work on La Charla. Can this feature be retested and fixed?

      2. Base language for entire site is English
        The translation module the comes with the new version of the Drupal software we are now using operated based on another module called “locale” in which the base language is set, by default, to English.

        The translate module bases the “from” option on this local module so the site being set to English can only be translated from English to other languages.

        There is no way to set two locales and thus two base languages. I had not realized this until I actually installed and tested these modules although it should have been obvious had I thought about it more.

        Net-net, any part of the site can be translated from English to other languages (I have selected Spanish, Italian, Haitian Creole and French based on the local population and can more if desired) but not the other way around.

        Less elegant, you can still copy the article in spanish from the site, click the word “translate” in the Translation block in the center of the page and you will be taken to the Google Translate site where you can paste in the copy to get a translation from Spanish to English.

        Unless some programmer knows a way around this, the Spanish speakers will get one-step assistance in translating from English (same for Italian, French and Haitian Creole) whereas English speakers wanting to read the spanish-language articles and comments will need to follow the two-step process above.

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