The Lesson of Fire 43 Bayard in New Rochelle

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

As the rank and file members of the NRFD are asking to see the building permits and electrical inspection reports one must ask the question; who did the work? And do you do work to your house without permits and inspections. I have to believe that if my house caught fire after a renovation and I did not have the proper permits and inspections that I would be in big trouble as I should be. This could have been a terrible loss of life and should be a teachable moment for us all. Just as the city tries to cut manning we must admit that New Rochelle is full of illegal housing, overcrowded housing conditions and many houses and buildings that have been illegally renovated. We need our firefighters more than ever. So If you are one of the people that follow the rules and get permits when needed, be proud. If you don’t be afraid because the consequences could be grave (pun intended).