Bystander Seriously Injured as Three Cars Collide on Main Street in Downtown New Rochelle

Written By: Robert Cox

MainStreet-CarCrash-2010-1204-04.jpgA woman waiting at the bus stop on Main Street across from Memorial Plaza, in front of the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store was seriously injured by flying glass after a violent collision involved a sports car driving at high speed through the busy shopping area. The operator of the vehicle, described as “a young man, possibly white or hispanic” by a witness, drove a Red Ford Mustang Hardtop with Sports Package into the back of a Red Chevy SUV causing a collision which also involved a Silver Toyota Avalon sedan. The vehicles came within a few feet of striking pedestrians on the sidewalk including several people at the bus stop.

“It’s a miracle no one was killed,” said downtown fixture Jim Killorin, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Westchester which operates the “Re-Store” shop where the collision occurred.

Killorin has long argued for a greater police presence in downtown New Rochelle including a police kiosk at the intersection of Main Street and Memorial Highway where the collision occurred. He believes the incident this afternoon was avoidable had their been police directing traffic as they should have been on what was a busy Saturday at the height of the Christmas shopping season.

“It’s not enough for police to respond after an incident”, said Killorin. “Whether it’s a stabbing, a riot or this collision, a police presence can deter the sort of behavior which puts people’s safety at risk”.

The woman was taken to Sound Shore Medical Center with lacerations including glass in her eye. No word yet on her condition.

Talk of the Sound will gather additional information on Monday from the New Rochelle Police Department and update this post with additional photos and information as it comes in.






