Buy your own tires! Get a new career!

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

This morning we woke up to this sight on southern North Avenue.

The thieves took the two tires on the sidewalk facing side and left the two tires on the street side.

This is something we DO NOT NEED in our neighborhood. I remember that they were going to install cameras at the intersection of North & Pelham Road. Could the cameras have caught a clue on this crime?

We don’t want those annoying car alarms from the early 90s back either. What I am thinking is this, exploding ink cartridges on the tires so that the thieves get blasted. They would need some kind of code so the owners could change their tires, too. Are the Miceli’s available for a business invention arrangement?

5 thoughts on “Buy your own tires! Get a new career!”

  1. wheel locks
    All you need is wheel locks and they will move on to the next car that doesn’t have them.

    1. wheel locks
      You always have a great solution for New Rochelle’s problems. And by the way who is “they” ?

      1. New Rochelle’s problems
        They’re the ones ripping the wheel off of cars with no wheel locks! it happens all the time and if you don’t lock them then you can have them stolen

        New Rochelle’s problems? No…. it happen all over, and it every ones problem that don’t put lock on them, you can buy wheel lock for any car at any auto store.

        They – they’re, most would know what i mean.

    1. It is onliy going to get worse!!!!!!
      Hey people this is a not unique problem to New Rochelle .
      Times are bad and it will only get worse before it get’s better.

      Alot of people out of work !

      No work in the future .

      Unemployment running out .

      Cost of living going up.

      Banks still not lending quick enough to the people.

      Good people are getting desperate!

      Nobody want’s to admit we are in a mordern day depression.
      You think it is bad here ,take a look up state in rural areas.
      They are shooting each other for food money .

      The goverment dosent want us to know that we are slipping fast.they just keep spending and spending.

      What next public rioting !

      Maybe the people will take to the streets like in europe!!!!!

      Somthing has to happen real fast or the SHI>>> goimg to hit the fan!!!!!

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