Commuter Parking Increase at NR Train Station

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Having commuted to NYC on MetroNorth for the last 18 years, the NR Transit Center garage was a welcome and huge improvement over parking options at that time. However, overall cleanliness and regular maintenance of the garage has never seemed to be a priority for the city. Information on the steep 2011 permit increase could have easily been included in the application mailed to current permit holders. So in addition to MetroNorth’s fare hikes, we must now also pay an additional $17 per month to park at the train station if we purchase the half-year permit (annual cost of $1,150). If you are fortunate to be able to pay for a full year permit at $1,050, you can save $9 each month (no indication of this is anywhere on the application).
Increases are often an unfortunate part of life but it would be more palatable if the garage overhead lights were replaced on a timely basis, or the stairwells were cleaned of garbage, or an attempt was made to wash away the always present smell of urine in the North Avenue stairwells. All commuters will pay increases in 2011 for no improvements and a negative return on their dollar. MetroNorth’s ancient trains will continue to breakdown, be without heat in winter or AC in the summer, or bruise your arm when accidentally closing due to “door trouble.” And when returning to your car in the evening you can count on it smelling like the circus is in town and the elephants used the garage stairwells as a bathroom, while hoping that no additional overhead lights have gone out since the previous night.