Tough Fire at 105 Lincoln Avenue Challenges New Rochelle Fire Department, 2 Residents Escape, 8 Firefighters Injured

Written By: Robert Cox



An elderly homeowner and a friend escaped from a burning house on Lincoln Avenue in New Rochelle this evening. Marjorie Williams, 87, the home owner, was in the house with a second person. The two refused medical attention. Williams lives in the home with her daughter and son-in-law who are away on holiday out of the country. They are expected to return Sunday.

The fire at 105 Lincoln Avenue, a single-family house located between two apartment buildings, may have been started by an electric space heater. The house, located at the intersection of Prince Street across from Lincoln Park, was badly gutted.

As the fire raged, the house was engulfed in flame. Black smoke poured from the building, billowing out onto Lincoln Avenue and across the street into the park.


The fire started some time around 7:30 PM. The New Rochelle Fire Department arrived moments after the first report and evacuated the house and the two apartment buildings on either side of the house. Residents were directed to Bethesda Church where the Red Cross was on hand to provide assistance. A Talk of the Sound contributor was on the scene as the NRFD arrived.

Five Eight fire fighters were injured and taken to Sound Shore Medical Center. The injuries were mostly minor according to Captain Andrew Sandor. Some falls and at least one minor burn on the ear.

The fire was brought under control within an hour although the building continued to smolder for another hour.




More Photos from the 105 Lincoln Fire

4 thoughts on “Tough Fire at 105 Lincoln Avenue Challenges New Rochelle Fire Department, 2 Residents Escape, 8 Firefighters Injured”

  1. Great job by the men of the
    Great job by the men of the NRFD. Difficult fire, as most are, and staffing has been cut to the bone.
    Hope no one was seriously injured as members injured in previous years have not been well treated. Ask me how I know.

  2. Extremely Difficult Fire
    Extremely Difficult Fire
    Last night’s fire was an extremely difficult one to fight, after speaking with a majority of the eight guys that were injured, it appeared that the wind had a substantial effect with regard to the intensity “almost blow-torch like it was described”. The fire was so hot that it burned through guy’s protective gear and forced them out. Firefighter’s injuries varied, they included: back, knee, various types of burns to firefighter’s ears and face, and smoke inhalation. As firefighters we speak about this all the time, its situations like this that required adequate manpower too effectively conduct rescues if needed, protect our own, and preserve property and exposures that adjoin them.

    It closing, we wish the family that was affected by the fire the best and we are grateful that they were able to get out safely. Let’s also keep the injured firefighters in our mind and wish them a speedy recovery.

    1. Video shows how difficult
      The video from Talk of the Sound contributor LH who was on the scene as NRFD arrived shows just how much smoke and how the wind played a factor. The smoke is pouring out of the building and almost horizontal across Lincoln Avenue.

      The response was clearly effective because not only were the two buildings adjacent to the house not damaged but a large tree directly in front of the house appears to have been unharmed as well.

    2. Perplexing
      If this is what can happen in a relatively small dwelling (eight injuries), how can the city government continue to risk the lives of residents and firefighters by continuously slashing from the FD budget?

      It is penny wise and dollar foolish to allow the NRFD to operate at skeletal proportions.

      I hope the city wises up before blood is on their hands.

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