2 Boats Collide in Waters off New York Athletic Club in New Rochelle; Multiple People in the Water

Written By: Robert Cox

Emergency responders are converging on the waters off New Rochelle near the New York Athletic Club where initial reports are that two boats collided sending people into the water. There are unconfirmed reporters that two boats capsized. Westchester County Police are sending a helicopter to the scene.

UPDATE: People are now out of the water. Another boat came over and rescued people in the water. The boat is bringing to the people to the Glen Island dock. No information whether anyone is missing. New Rochelle Harbor Patrol is now responding to the scene.

UPDATE: New Rochelle Harbor Patrol is standing down as all people are accounted for.

If you have photos, send them.


13 thoughts on “2 Boats Collide in Waters off New York Athletic Club in New Rochelle; Multiple People in the Water”

  1. harbor patrol
    i think you guys and girls should get your facts straight. The harbor patrol is mostly paid from state and federal grants. The officers salary and fuel come out of these grants. We need this patrol they do allot of things out in the water that people do not know about.God forbid a plane ever goes down in long island sound New Ro would have a great response to such a incident.

    1. Money is money and any money
      Money is money and any money not spent is better for us all. We all pay Federal and State taxes so its still our money no matter where it comes from and if we don’t need it we don’t need it.

      If a plane were to go down in the sound, its not New Rochelle’s job to fish it out and we shouldn’t be prepared for the day it comes. Remember the coastline is 9 miles but that includes all the coves and twists in and out, the coastline if you were to draw a straight line would only be 3 or 4 miles, hardly a call to have the beefy equipment our harbour patrol does. I’d much rather these officers be put on a beat somewhere. We have plenty of crime that needs fighting. There’s certainly no shortage of crime in New Rochelle so we should waste our resources in patroling the small coastline.

  2. Huguenot Yacht Club – Frostbite Racing

    Every Sunday from November thru March, Huguenot Yacht Club hosts Frostbite Sailboat Racing in Lasers and JC9 one-design sailboats.

    A concerned citizen called 911, apparently unfamiliar with our annual winter activity for the past 10 years.

    Three separate municipality emergency responders arrived at the scene, all land based — no boats or helicopters.

    Photos are available of the competitors, all with smiling faces.

    All of the participants are required to have Coast Guard Approved PFD’ s and Dry Suits.

    If you are interested, we would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have — we sail every Sunday from 12:30-3:30pm.

    Bill Heintz

    1. That’s a relief
      Yes, definitely interested in photos.

      Glad to hear everyone is OK.

      Now, about racing sail boats in January…

    1. NRPD has a huge floatilla of boats!
      And much more than they need. It must be costing the taxpayer thousands so that our measly 9 miles coastline can be patrolled.

      Its almost as if they’re expecting an armed assault from Long Island to land somewhere on our shores.

      Want to make a suggestion to the city to save some money? Tell them to either cut the marine patrols to nothing to scale it back to a whaler. There’s no need to have the equipment/boats that NRPD has.

      1. 1st off the NRPD does NOT
        1st off the NRPD does NOT have a floatilla of boats they use. They have 3 boats in the water during the summer months and if they just used the whaler it would not be too safe during some of the storms we have had. 2nd off during the winter months they only have 1 boat on the water due to the fact there all of the harbor units go back to patroling the streets due to the fact that the NRPD is undermanned and still is one of the best departments in Westchester County

      2. That’s 2 or 3 too many!
        Why do need so many marine patrols? For a city that’s in such dire finacial straights, why do we continue to fund any marine patrols at all? We have only 9 miles of coastline that don’t need to an active police presence. I’d much rather have those officers reassigned permanetly to other duties, maybe actually fighting crime! I don’t think there’s any mandate that we have to provided this sort of service so maybe we shouldn’t.

      3. Fifth Ave Guy – It’s a
        Fifth Ave Guy – It’s a worthwhile endeavor to have the cops available year round for the marine patrol. Why do people always try to cut public safety services first???? Purely retarded.

        I’d rather reduce funding for welfare programs and paying for the lifestyles of people who choose not to work everyday. I’d also like to reduce funding for the illegal Mexican babies being born, whose medical bills are paid for entirely by the taxpayers. Then, you might see some tax relief….but instead, you want to pitch a b*tch about police harbor patrols…open your eyes.

      4. You guys really have to
        You guys really have to joking right? Patrol the harbor? There’s no patroling to do! If a someone crashes their boat, your harbour patrol isn’t going to do anything to stop it and you’re going to respond to the accident and that could happen with or without a harbor patrol.

        You must either be on the harbour patrol and thus laughing at us all because you’ve got the sweetest job in the world or just extremely unknowledgable about boating. Boating accidents are rather rare and when they do happen the response is going to reactionary not prevetative. What we have is a prevatative system and that doesn’t work, at least w/boating.

        I cannot imagine a more wasteful program than the NRPD having a harbour patrol. We don’t need the expense and with cut-backs happening everywhere this could easily be targeted.

        And our city leaders aren’t even attempting to stay within the limits of the tax cap that’s coming. Wait until they are forced to deal with these issues head on and go to reopen all the union contracts. That should be interesting.

        But back on point, does anyone know how many officers are on the harbour patrol? I know they have a special pick-up truck and 3 boats.

      5. The city only funds the
        The city only funds the harbor unit during the summer months. There is only 9 miles of coastline like you say but during the summer months there are boats going in and out of the harbor all day and if any of them need help the Harbor unit is there to do there best to save them, I think it would be very stupid to disband the harbor unit and the only cost to the city is minimal repairs to the boats and the gas they use.

      6. boats
        of the four boats we have 3 were donated the big one we got from the coast guard at no cost.The building there in was also donated.i would advise you to take the course the police department gives people every year to show what they do.

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