Back in August of 2010, in a story titled "The Enduring Mystery of Huguenot Hills", Talk of the Sound reported on the construction shortcomings of the building known as Huguenot Hills and it’s potential dangers during heavy rains. Lack of gutters and the resulting waterfall that cascades off of the roof creates hazardous walking conditions and obscures the vision of any vehicle attempting to pull out of the indoor parking to merge onto Post Road.
The recent snowstorms have introduced their own brand of danger to pedestrian and vehicle. Lacking proper gutters, snow melt and ice slide from the 4 story roofline making the sidewalk so unsafe that it needs to be closed off. Icicles as long as 3 feet loom over the parking entrance waiting to impale some unlucky passerby.
The danger aspect is bad enough, but, just to add insult to injury, imagine the business owners having to deal with their front entry being closed off to customers. Seems a shame this issue hasn’t been resolved as of yet, doesn’t it?
Related stories:
In 2006, New Rochelle City Officials Improperly Granted Certificates of Occupancy for 3 Buildings at Huguenot Hills
If i get hit
I walk in this area every day and if i get hit Mr.Young and company is getting me a new condo YAHOO on you Bob your notice is given.
Its not Bob Young’s problem anymore!
He’s out of the deal but there’s probably a condo association that you can go after. The COs were issued years ago (under what circumstances we’ll never know) and he probably doesn’t have any financial interest left at all in the project.
In order to get the problem fixed, it would seem like a building inspector or someone on that level should be able to cite the condo association for some infraction; hazardous conditons, maintaining an unsafe walkway. Otherwise, the problem will go on and on and on, but lets leave Bob Young out of this problem.
We need to keep our sites on him anyway as he’s bought up most of the block on North Ave. north of Fifth Ave. and wants to put in 10 story towers there. That should be our issue w/Bob Young.
FOIL for Huguenot Hills
Talk of the Sound has FOIL’d for a copy of all communications between the City of New Rochelle and those involved with this parcel. They will be published once we have them so everyone can see for themselves.
From what I know today, I believe it is not correct to say that Bob Young is not on the hook for this; he obtained a C of O under a false pretense — that the plans submitted had been completed, plans which included a roof drainage system. I spoke with Con Ed a few months ago and learned that it is VERY expensive to re-wrap the wires in front of the building, this is something that would be required before work could be done. My sense from talking to Con Ed was that Bob Young balked at the price — it is one thing to pay to wrap wires when you are completing an entire complex of condos and another to go back in for a single, specific project — installing gutters and leaders as called for in the architectural plans.
Stay tuned.
PS, in cases like this, anyone can make a FOIL request. I would be very happy if readers would help defray the time and monetary cost of doing this. Don’t be shy. If you need to help on how to FOIL email me.
Huguenot Hills
A police officer or a building offical can write a violation. Also the CO can be rescinded. Also how will the building dept. give out any new permits for
the retail space that is offered. That will get a quick resolution. If you look
at the other side of the building I don’t think all the gutters are there.You have a lot of students from Salesian walking right past the warning tape to go to the store. Maybe the city should put up a barricade because more
ice is forming on the roof.