Closures and Cancellations in New Rochelle

Written By: Robert Cox

New Rochelle schools have cancelled after school activities for Jan. 26.

GOP Meeting Scheduled for Jan. 26 at American Legion Hall has been cancelled, a new date has not been set.

Democratic Party scheduled for Jan. 26 has been cancelled.

Salesian High School will be closed Jan 27.

North End Garbage Collection for Thursday Jan 27 cancelled.

Due to inclement weather, students will be dismissed from Iona Prep at 12:30 today. All after school activities are cancelled. Bus companies have been notified of this early dismissal.

Per our webposts and Connect-CTY message yesterday, North End garbage collection is cancelled for today. The Hugh A. Doyle Center is closed. Residents are reminded to please dig out fire hydrants abutting their property. Snow removal continues city-wide. To report concerns, call the Snow Removal Hotline at 235-4029.

Reform Club Meeting cancelled.


[if you know of other cancellations add a comment]