City of New Rochelle Winter Storm 2-2-11 Warning: Road Conditions Terrible, Avoid Travel if Possible

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Good morning, this is Mayor Noam Bramson. As you know, weather and road conditions today are terrible. Please avoid travel, if possible.

With an apology for the short notice, the City must cancel plastic and glass recycling pick-up today and move to a holiday schedule, meaning garbage and recycling pickup on Thursday in the North End and on Friday in the South End.

Because of the extraordinary volume and frequency of snowfall this winter, regional salt supplies are running low. We have adjusted our operations accordingly and continue to make every effort to secure additional salt for New Rochelle.

The City is in regular touch with Con Edison and, as of now, fortunately, there are very few power outages locally. If you see a downed power line, stay clear of it and call 9-1-1. If you lose power, please report your address to 1-800-75-CONED.

Thank you for your continuing patience and cooperation during this difficult winter.