City Hall Plays Russian Roulette With the Lives of Its Residents

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Bramson & Strome have yet to undergo massive cleanup efforts after three snow storms on many secondary and tertiary roads in New Rochelle, especially in the South and West end parts of town.

The conditions are so horrible and life threatening that should emergency services need to respond, they will find themselves with no access to many residential homes and apartment buildings.
This story is being cited as an official notice of warning to City Hall, Bramson, Strome and all City Council members, clean up our roads of face serious consequences and legal actions!

Should there come a loss of one life, an injury that could lead to a more serious condition caused by lack of emergency response timing, City Hall, DPW, Bramson, Strome and all Council Members will be responsible for all emergency incidents that lead to serious injuries or deaths caused by direct gross negligence.

Call Bramson, Strome and your local Council Member and tell them to clean up your roads, or else!!!

Bramson: (914) 654-2150
Strome: (914) 654-2140
Louis Trangucci: (914) 235-0499
Albert Tarantino: (914) 633-1985
Jared Rice: (914) 633-9200
Richard St. Paul: (914) 420-6887
Barry Fertel: (914) 740-4346
Marianne Sussman: (914) 740-7385

2011: Clean Up City Hall…Out With Old, In With New!