Hats Off to Mayor Bramson

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Both Mayor Bramson and former Mayor Tim Idoni were instrumental when it came to open government. Their efforts led to televised council meetings, and a updated website that allows one to view council meetings on demand.

Even during tough fiscal times, both individuals refused to shut down the communications department and insisted on keeping the public informed. I personally thank all those who give the public access to government and allow people to participate in the decision making process.

I would respectfully ask the City to require the NR Civil Service Commission to follow suit. This body makes rules which ultimately become law. It is important that they understand how their laws affect people and that they give the public a chance to voice their concerns regarding them. True, 99% of the time this commission may dicuss things that the public is uninterested in. But for the times when the public wants to be there, an opportunity for them to do so should exist.

All and all, New Rochelle has consistantly tried to keep the public informed and they earn my praise for that. Keep up the good work.

2 thoughts on “Hats Off to Mayor Bramson”

  1. What are you smoking John Imburgia?
    Can you please take time between ranting against the CSC and licking the mayors boots to explain how you can possibly separate the entities? Domenic Procopio who, for years, flagrantly took advantage of property tax exemptions specifically meant for veterans WHO SERVED IN COMBAT while he himself never even served in peacetime,then effctively gets away without ramification or consequence. Who had everyone in city hall backpedaling to cover for him. Dominic Procopio of the Calabria Society who’s guest of honor at the last benefit dinner was Noam Bramson. Domenic Procopio who until recently served at the pleasure of the mayor himself until being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Or Mayor Bramson who took it upon himself to attempt stage a Pearl Harbor sneak attack to circumvent the legal deed covenant on the Armory to further the interests of a developer who has donated thousands of dollars to his election campaign and is currently an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal investigation concerning pay to play bribery. A mayor who put his hand over his heart and made a promise at a civic association meeting that there would be no more PILOT or tax abatement programs handed out knowing full and well he had no culpability in the decisions handed down by the IDA. An administration with a sad record in complying with FOIL rquests when it comes to city records. An administration who has consistently refused to recognize Talk of the Sound on their press releases or notifications until very recently, even though the TOS site reaches more locals immediately than any other news source. These aren’t isolated incidents, but a concerted effort to control what information will be released and what won’t be released. It’s ALL about CONTROL of the media. Shall I go on?
    Let’s just say I hope you get that job your looking for. Maybe you’ll save enough money to buy a clue.

    1. John D,
      I try to give credit

      John D,

      I try to give credit where credit is due. My post only reflected ONE thing that I thought the mayor did that was good for the community.


      I raised issues of valid concern regarding the CSC and have been getting kicked left and right by bloggers on this site. I was told that I am using this site as a means to fulfill a personal vandetta. Which is it, the city and the CSC break the law, or I am crazy because I uncovered more of the city’s nonsense? Secondly, wasn’t this site founded by someone who felt he was personally abused by this city and therefore saw this site as means of speaking out and obtaining justice? And third, if it is OK for others to do, why are some trying to portray me as “emotionally” disturbed for lashing out at the city?

      John, I do not take offense to your comment and the questions I asked do not necessarily pertain to you alone but are being asked in a more general sense.

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