
Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Any regular viewers of Saturday Night Live will remember a skit called “Really?” with Amy and Seth. The skit sarcastically brings to light the obvious that we often take for granted.

Mr. Cox and others point out that I am blowing wet kisses to Mayor Bramson and trying to curry favor. Really? But then again, who isn’t. Look at Rob Astorino who vowed to lower taxes and reduce spending. This is why he was elected and it is what everyone wanted. Now, after only about a year in office, people are claiming that he is appointing “friends” of his to lucrative paying jobs.

Another example is former Assemblyman Ron Tocci. He was well liked in south NR, but in his last term, when his re-election hung in the balance, he made a backdoor deal with Pataki so he could get a couple of more years in and retire with a nice pension. So is it OK for some to “curry” favor and not for others?” If the “right” person curries favor will it be deemed OK?

Now I am not saying Mr. Tocci is corrupt, but it does point out that no matter who we have as a Mayor, County Executive, or President, there will always be someone who is trying to do something that helps one of their personal allies. This is what politics is all about. Didn’t anyone ever hear the term “brown nosing?” Who gets the jobs? Who gets ahead in life? It’s the people who shake the right hands or kiss the right behinds. It happens in goverment and in every agency in government. It happens in the private sector in just about every job imaginable. So little has to do with “qualifications” these days and a lot more has to do with “who we know.”

So before I am singled out once again here, I think we all ought to look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we are doing the same thing.
This bathroom issue in the city, in my mind, proved government can be responsive. It is the “actions” that deserve praise in this particular incident.

2 thoughts on “Really?”

  1. Hey John, I’m tried of
    Hey John, I’m tried of reading about Astorino hiring his friends. He has a right to bring in his own people and did you or anyone else think he was going to keep Spano’s secretary or the rest of Spano’s team?

    Astorino was elected to reign in the outrageously high property taxes that Westchester County residents pay. And I’m sure he laid off every Spano appointee and appointed his people. People who he trusts. Call it what you want, but I don’t think its to curry anyone’s favor.

  2. Really?
    The help in solving the restroom problem came from forces
    outside the city, the city manager was not a part of the
    solution but a part of the problem. Can not wait for the
    politicians to campaign on ” Quality of life issues” in the next

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