New Rochelle Police Keeping Busy at New Rochelle High School in 2011; Robbery Spree This Week

Written By: Robert Cox

CrimescenetapeWith the crime rate in local schools, the New Rochelle Police Department may want to consider opening a kiosk at New Rochelle High School.

Just this week there has been three arrests of students: February 7th (Robbery), February 8th (Robbery) and February 9th (Attempted Robbery). One of the robberies occurred under the House Four bridge. Two students were arrest after robbing a school cafeteria register. New Rochelle Police were on scene again taking another report today. More on that later.

All together there have been 26 police incidents at New Rochelle High School over the past month including incidents involving Harassment (2/10), Assault (2/7, 1/6), Dispute (2/1), Menacing (1/26), Disorderly Behavior (1/24, 1/24, 1/7, 1/6), Reckless Endangerment (1/24), Larceny (1/6), and Criminal Trespass (1/26).

A year ago, Talk of the Sound demonstrated, based on police department records, that New Rochelle school officials have significantly under-reported the level of serious violent incidents at New Rochelle High School. If the district was reporting the actual figures, New Rochelle High School would almost certainly be on the list of Persistently Violent Schools

26 thoughts on “New Rochelle Police Keeping Busy at New Rochelle High School in 2011; Robbery Spree This Week”

  1. Cash Register Caper
    FYI, students were not arrested in this incident. Once again, you should get your facts straight before publishing them.

    1. FYI, two student were
      FYI, two student were arrested and among them was Jermaine Mcleod, a therapeutic foster boarder of a local family. He was arrested and his bail was set at $10,000 by Judge Gail Rice. His bail was set that high because Mr. Mcleod has an extensive record of anti-social behaviors and crinimality. Please re-read the title of the article for a clue to how wrong you are…”New Rochelle Police keeping busy at New Rochelle High School in 2011…” The police do not go to the high school to dispense candy hearts or to sing Kumbaya. They go to arrest people who commit crimes. Futher, in the second paragraph of this artice (which you obviously did not read) it states the following: “…Two students were arrest after robbing a school cafeteria register…” Additionally, if you even took the time to visit the city police departments website, and used the provided link, you would be able to see all person arrested on that date and any other date for that matter along with the crime alleged. Further, it is public information available to anyone that he was arrested for robbery, probation violations, in addition to being a fugitive from justice in another NY County. Finally,the fact that he will return to city court on Tuesday 2/15/2011 at 9:30am should serve as visual proof. MAYBE YOU SHOULD SHOW UP AT CITY COURT ON TUESDAY SO YOU CAN ONCE AND FOR ALL GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!!!

      1. ru1iam12=WRONG!
        Maybe you didn’t read the title of my post. I wasn’t refering to the robberies, which probably did occur and student(s) were arrested for, I was ONLY refering to the cash register incident. It was originally posted as follows: “…Two students were arrest after robbing a school cafeteria register”. No, they weren’t, Mr. Cox’s facts were wrong with that quoted sentence. He did the same thing with the Ursuline girls when he originally reported that they were arrested for drinking and later had to print a retraction (Look it Up). The problem here is the rush to judgement without getting all the facts first. Now, ru1iam12, let me set YOU straight:

        #1-The students who were involved in the CASH REGISTER LARCENY (NOT ROBBERY) WERE NOT arrested due to the fact the only witness refused to cooperate with the police. The school knows the idiots involved and are, hopefully, dealing with them harshly. Can you say “Superintendent Hearing?”

        #2-No, you are wrong here to. All the police can do is take the report and sing “Kumbaya” if people who are victimized or witness something refuse to cooperate. That is a fact worth remembering.

        #3-I don’t know anything about Mr. McLeod other than the FACT he WASN’T ACCUSED of stealing money from the cash register. Was he there? Who knows. We do know he was involved in some kind of ROBBERY, but, it appears to be a totally seperate ROBBERY.

        Lastly…You should know WTF you are talking about BEFORE publishing.
        Now…go confirm the facts I just gave you..I await your retraction, but I won’t hold my breath.

      2. Correct….sort of…
        As far as I know, the “victim” is a private contractor, not the school. It was the cafeteria register. You may know this answer better than me but isn’t the food service contracted out? Regardless, you still need someone to press charges…video or not, I would guess, unless it was a murder or something.

      3. See Bob,
        Now we know why

        See Bob,

        Now we know why “truthhurtsnr” is rattling your cage. You openned up a can of worms about school district security and he just happens to work for them and is worried about losing his job. So now he will attempt to discredit you every chance he gets in order to shut you up. Here’s what shuts people up–the truth. If he could defend himself against the allegations you raised, he would. Instead, he has to resort to low life, mud slinging tactics in order to take the spotlight off himself.

        The same holds true with the allegations I raised
        about the NR CSC. He cannot counter them with a valid argument so he has to resort to mud slinging. I don’t mind him talking about my past, there are records out there which point it. But they are completely different from the accusations he makes. He only attempts to twist things around
        because he has no facts to defend himself with. So as usual, he wants the kill the messenger.

      4. Ok…
        I’m not arguing the stats Bob. My post was pointing out that in ONE of the incidents nobody was arrested (The cash register incident).
        I also mentioned that the school knew who the students were. How do you think they know? Yes, the video! You are right! The “problem” is the victim/witnesses still have to cooperate. They didn’t! The result? Criminal case closed, for now anyway.
        On a side note, I’m glad your son is doing well.

      5. Gee, you sound a whole lot
        Gee, you sound a whole lot different when someone confronts you with the “truth.” At first you wanted to make Mr. Cox sound like a liar. At least some people have the guts to disclose their real names. Others, like you, can only hide behind screen names because they are afraid the “truth” about them will “hurt.” Have some guts, tell us who you are and then we can research your background and air all you dirty laundry in public.

        BTW, I didn’t keep any secrets from NR. The Mayor is well aquainted with me and we have discussed my past several times. HE is a lot more open minded than people give him credit for and if he reads this he knows what I am talking about.

        Also, you can check with the county clerk for updates on the lawsuit. In the mean time, provide some “truth” to back up your accusations. FOIL some records and make my whole life public if you wish. Doesn’t bother me.

      6. Not exactly Johnny boy..
        I was refering to ONE LINE Mr. Cox wrote which IS NOT ACCURATE. I’m sure he is honorable enough to double check his facts and print a retraction if necessary (At least he said he would in the past). All I did was point out the fact that nobody was arrested for that one incident. I didn’t argue about anything else in the article because I don’t know enough about the other incidents and have no reason to believe they are accurate or not.
        As far as my being hidden, you are right. Unlike you, I have a security job with the school district which I intend to keep. That’s just the reality of life. I’ll bet you this Johnny boy, if you kept your job as a cop, you wouldn’t be posting your name here or Lohud either. But, then again, maybe thats the reason you aren’t a cop…you couldn’t help yourself. I actually don’t know nor care.
        You will be happy to know this is my last response to you.

      7. the stats are about robbery, att robbery
        I do not know about a larceny case but the information I have from the NRPD is that there were these three incidents along with a number of others. In some cases the NRPD does not give out the information due to age and I have no way to know details without that information. My sources at the high school said there were arrests made and provide the information above. I do not even know who you are or why anything you say should be given credence but what I was told and the information I got from NRPD are consistant so unless I have some hard information from you then that really tells me nothing at all.

        I am told the kids involved in all these cases were arrested. If one of the cases was dropped for the reasons you state above I will report that but right now I am going with sources at NRHS and incident reports from the NRPD.

        Let’s not pretend that your purpose is to assist me in reporting this information or bring sunlight to events that typically get swept under the wrong. Your purpose is, as it has been for quite some time, to lurk until you believe you have some opportunity to find fault and then pick arguments.

      8. re: Larceny
        You wrote you know nothing about a larceny case but in the incident list you posted, there is a larceny near the bottom of the list. Maybe that is the one I’m refering to. If so, I’m sure next time you are at city hall getting information you can request a copy of that report and end this either way.
        Secondly, I am in NO WAY attempting to assist you in reporting any information. I told you a long time ago, I would chime in, if, and only if, I see something I know is wrongly reported by my first hand knowledge. I gave you the info, it is up to you to follow it through since you originally published your “sources” info as a statement of fact. If I am to be totally discounted by you, then, by all means, ignore me as you said you would. All I can do is “lead the horse to water but I can’t make him drink.”
        It is very simple, let’s make a deal. You dig a little deeper with school security or the NRPD about the cash register incident alone. If I am wrong and someone was arrested in this incident, I will go away and never post here again. If I am right, just print a basic retraction that you always maintained you would be willing to do if information you receive is wrong.
        I know, I know…it’s your site and you can write what you want…I’m just a guest here. But, isn’t the integrity of this forum your priority? I’m not being argumentative. I’m just asking you to consider that this anonymous poster might be right. If I am wrong, I will be more than happy to retract all my statements except for the ones I wrote to “Johnny boy”, who you will find, is about to take over your site with endless posts (See Lohud).
        It’s in your hands Bob, whatever you want to do.

      9. how about getting YOUR facts right
        There is no need for grandiose gestures. I will be with the NRPD tomorrow and ask them for further information and will happily update the post with any additional information I get from them.

        Just so you have YOUR facts straights, I am aware of 2 times in 3 years that you have disputed information on this site. I did check out your claims and when I found you were correct I published a correction. So this idea that you have to “hold your breath” or that I will not issue a correction when warranted is untrue. I have already explained to you in the past that I do not consider making a correction, when warranted, to be a big deal.

        They key here is “when warranted”. Just because a troll comes to the site and posts words on a web page is not the last word.

        I do not know why seek to pretend that I would resist fixing a genuine error.

        According to Google, there are over 30,000 entries on this site each of which may contain several or event dozens of pieces of information. You have identified a grand total of two pieces of information which you wished to dispute going back to 2008.

        Beyond that, you have ALREADY corrected the record with your comment, right? I have a commenting system that allows readers to add information to the site. You have done that.

        In either case, whether the police arrested or released or never arrested students there were a series of crimes reported at the high school and the police have been going there several times a week for various reports of criminal activity which is, after all, the point, that the crimes at the high school are so frequent that the police ought to build a kiosk up there.

        The broader point being that for all the millions spent on security the school is not secure and for all the phony VADIR reports filed by the district the high school is a persistently dangerous environment.

        You can pick all the nits you like but the truth is that the school is unsafe.

        As for your behavior on this site, it speaks for itself. You are behaving like a classic troll. Posting anonymously, trying to make yourself the focus of attention, trying to antagonize people and other bait people into arguing with you. In this case, all you needed to do was simply say that you believe the article was incorrect on the point about whether or not the students in the cafeteria case were actually arrested and encouraged me to double check that with NRPD and I would have done so. Instead, you have adopted a hostile, belligerent tone. You could also have emailed me or call. This demonstrates that your purpose is not to make sure that the information on the cafeteria issue is accurate but part of your ongoing effort to try and find some way to convince people that they should not read Talk of the Sound. We are at over 500,000 readers. So, how’s your plan working so far?

        I am going to drop this for now until I have had a chance to talk to NRPD tomorrow.

      10. Bravo Robert. Your
        Bravo Robert. Your information is spot on. Ignore the truth guy because he is an obvious crackpot.

      11. ru1iam12,
        You’re wasting your


        You’re wasting your time with “thetruthhurts” guy. Just ignore him and he will go away.

      12. Mr. Imburgia
        I thought you were going to ignore me? Look, if ru1iam12 wants the truth, I gave it to him/her. If they don’t, so be it. Since when is accuracy the enemy. My original post was accurate, period.

        BTW John, how’s the lawsuit going? Any updates?
        I’m curious…someone mentioned here on another thread you were fired from being a cop. Why? Was it the municipalities fault or your own? Let me guess your answer…”It wasn’t MY fault”, “It was a misunderstanding” or how about some more truth Johnny boy…”I’m just an idiot.”
        The truth does hurt doesn’t it.

      13. Give me your name and address
        Give me your name and address on this site and I will introduce you to the “truth” and you will see how much it “hurts.” Deal?

      14. Temper, temper Johnny Boy!
        OK, now I know why you were fired from being a cop. They couldn’t give you a gun with that temper!
        Here’s the deal, ignore me, I’ll ignore you.
        Again, good luck with that lawsuit! lol!

      15. Back it up with facts. The
        Back it up with facts. The “truth” will set you free. Praise the Lord!

      16. what truth?
        The truth? You gave no such thing. Jermane and the other boy (whose name I will no publish because of his age) were in fact arrested. It is a fact and I am not quite sure why there has been so much debated centered around that topic. I gave you the date and time for their court hearing so if you were truly interested in the truth you would have gone to court!On Tuesday in court it appeared that Jermaine had attempted suicide and was being held in the psychiatric unit. Jail is no place for a person like this but neither is New Rochelle High School. He could not even handle the modified curriculum of the school on the campus of Childrens Village so how was he expected to handle the pressures of a school 10x the size with a regular high school curriculum. The main point I would like to make is our small city does not have the resources necessary to take NYC’s worst problem children into our community. It is not beneficial for us or them.

      17. Again…
        I never debated that parties were arrested. I corrected you then, and will correct your original post again. They, nor anyone else, were arrested for the CASH REGISTER INCIDENT. That is the fact, and that is the truth. They were arrested for something totally unrelated. I will not deny, they could of been arrested, but the police could not get a victim to press charges.
        I do, however, agree with you regarding taking in NYC or anyone elses problem children.

      18. Thanks @ John. I am only now
        Thanks @ John. I am only now realizing that the truth guy is not intrested in the truth but an argument is what he seeks.

  2. I think you are a little hard
    I think you are a little hard on the high school. I know for a fact that one of those persons involved in the cash register caper, is a foster kid from New York City. This childs foster family received $1746 per month from the NYC Administration for Children’s Services, for his care and that is all they seem to care about. He and more like him are allowed to troll our peaceful streets at all hours of the day and night with residents unaware of what potential danger is in thier midst. A person like this with a long criminal record should not be given a third or fourth chance to be predatory on an unaware public school. He needs the structure of a supportive group home or other locked facility. His foster parents just showed up to the school one day and said I would like to register him. They never told the district that 16-17 of his 18 years was spent in institutions, jails, & other locked facilities. It puts a strain on our already overtaxed system to introduce children like this into our schools. Additionally, it is unfair to this boy, who does not even have a proper birth certificate because he was abandoned by his mother at birth, to put him into the relative lack of structure that a public school can reasonably provide.

    1. they just need to report accurately
      I am not blaming the school district for every time some kids commits a crime. There are some crimes they could prevent but others they cannot. What I am mostly concerned about, as I have made clear many times, is that they REPORT incidents in their VADIR reporting.

      Schools are required to report ALL violent and disruptive incidents. I have demonstrated that that the school district does not because the NRPD has more incident reports on file each year than the district reports to New York State. As the NRPD only gets reports on a fraction of the actual incidents it suggests a massive underreporting when the NRPD incident reports show MORE incidents than are in the VADIR reports.

      The district fabricates their VADIR report in order to present NRHS as a safe learning environment when, if all incidents were reported, the school would be on the State list of persistently dangerous schools. It is more important to school officials and the BoE to portray NRHS as safe when it is not even if that means lying on State reports; it is all about preventing white flight from the schools and maintaining property values. Rather than ACTUALLY deal with crime and violence in the school they prefer to paper it over and hope no one one notices.

      1. Question…
        So, technically then, the school can subjectively determine, on their own, what is “violent” and “disruptive” for Vadir?
        That is the problem with stats, they can be manipulated too easily.

      2. There are definitions and forms
        No. The school district cannot LEGALLY subjectively determine what counts and what does not. There is a form and supporting documentation explaining what is recorded and how.

        What serious sort of undercounting involves fights.

        I am being told that if there is a fight they count that as one incident, if they report it all. Under the State guidelines they are support to report an incident based on who was fighting with who and how many were involved.

        So a fight is at least two incidents since there are two assaults, one to the other. If there are three people involved it might be as many as six incidents. Each person involved hitting the other two so that there are six assaults.

        As anyone familiar with the school knows there are, at times, melees involving 5-10 students or more. When that happens it should be counted as many, many incidents not one.

        But forget about reporting all these sorts of incidents, there are more robberies, assault and harassment cases reported to NRPD than reported by NRHS to the state. Given that the district routinely fails to report incidents and wants to keep NRPD out of the schools, that there are MORE incidents reported to NRPD than NRHS reports to the state is a clear indication of significant underreporting by the district to the state on the VADIR reports.

        I have spoken to current and former school district employees who tell me of schools reporting their numbers and being told to reduce them or cut them in half or otherwise alter them.

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