New Rochelle City Council Honors James Count Stowe and Roxie E. Stowe for Their Service on City Council

Written By: Robert Cox

The New Rochelle City Council honored James Count Stowe and Roxie E. Stowe for their service on the City Council. At last night’s City Council meeting, Mayor Noam Bramson read the following:

James Count Stowe Commendation from City Council of New Rochelle


Whereas, the City Council of New Rochelle wishes to acknowledge those who have contributed their time, expertise, and energy to serve the citizens of New Rochelle; and,

Whereas, James Count Stowe lived in New Rochelle for nearly thirty years, during which he contributed to our community in innumerable ways, setting an example of vital leadership that stirred and inspired countless residents; and,

Whereas, James C. Stowe enlisted in the United States Air Force serving his country as a flight engineer in Europe and throughout the United States, and upon leaving military service earned a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry from the New York Institute of Technology and later a Masters Degree in Operations Research from New York University; and,

Whereas, James C. Stowe went on to a successful and pioneering professional career with a major chemical company as Managing Director of Health, Safety, and Environmental Systems, discharging responsibilities that entailed extensive international travel throughout Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and Latin America; and,

Whereas, James C. Stowe felt a duty to apply his extensive experience and knowledge to the greater good of his community by serving as Board Chairman of the New Rochelle Municipal Housing Authority, President of the Rochelle Heights Historic District, and Board Member of the Children’s Center for Learning Day Nursery, in every instance demonstrating strength, independence and conviction; and,

Whereas, in 2003 James C. Stowe was elected to represent the citizens of Council District Three by an overwhelming 75% of the vote, commencing more than seven years of dedicated service to a District he often called “the lungs” of New Rochelle; and,

Whereas, Councilman James C. Stowe served not only the citizens of Council District Three, but all the citizens of New Rochelle as a fearless advocate for affordable housing, economic opportunity, job training, youth enrichment and social justice, making a deep and lasting contribution to the fabric of our city, and leaving in place such notable accomplishments as New Rochelle’s affordable housing law, NREDI, and New Rochelle First Lego League; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that this City Council honors the memory of Councilman James C. Stowe and expresses its great appreciation for his deep and sincere passion for the highest standards of professionalism, service, and dedication; and, be it further

Resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this City and that a suitable copy thereof be presented to the family of Councilman James C. Stowe.

Roxie E. Stowe Commendation from City Council of New Rochelle


Whereas, in the aftermath of the tragic and untimely passing of Council Member James C. Stowe, the people of Council District Three were entitled to continuing, effective representation of their values, interests and concern; and

Whereas, responding to the heartfelt requests of her neighbors, Roxie E. Stowe agreed to accept the responsibilities of service on the City Council, where she could uphold and advance her husband’s great legacy of community leadership and advocate for the residents and neighborhoods to which James Stowe was deeply devoted; and

Whereas, Roxie E. Stowe had an outstanding career in the healthcare field, distinguishing herself in a broad range of managerial and budgetary
responsibilities, and acquiring skills that she then applied to assisting her husband in his public duties; and

Whereas, Roxie E. Stowe was a full partner in James Stowe’s Council activities, sharing his aspirations for the Third District and all of New Rochelle, participating with him in community events, nurturing relationships with neighbors and constituents, and regularly observing Council meetings, so that she could contribute her wisdom to the hard choices confronting her “Jimmy”; and

Whereas, Roxie E. Stowe assumed her Council responsibilities at a moment of painful personal loss, yet, nonetheless distinguished herself as a thoughtful, dignified and principled public servant, who contributed fully and generously to the Council’s deliberations on critical questions of fiscal policy, land use and neighborhood advocacy, earning the respect and admiration of colleagues, as well as the lasting gratitude of all residents whose cause she championed; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that this City Council extends to Roxie E. Stowe its great appreciation for her deep and sincere commitment to the City of New Rochelle and to the citizens of Council District Three, and, be it further

Resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this City and that a suitable copy thereof be presented to Roxie E. Stowe.