10 thoughts on “Mayor Noam Bramson Boils Over at New Rochelle City Council Meeting – VIDEO”

  1. The Things We know and Don’t Know
    We know our ceremonial Mayor likes control and does not like to be challenged. My Ball, My Court, My Rules or else.
    We also know there are 4 really lousy Lawyers sitting at that table in no specific order of Lousy.
    We also know that Councilmember St. Paul who I happen to like his Tenacity has been unable to count our ceremonial Mayors majority 4-3 vote. I wonder what the St. Paul theatrics brings when we all know his motion is going 4-3.
    Here is the only thing we do not know.
    What will the voters do in District 5/6 to affect enough change to unseat 2 bad lawyers from the Mayors voting card.
    I also know that we are fighting over something that is ceremonial it won’t get built unless we foot the entire Forest City Bill. I expect they will need the City to pay for more and more and unless its a Brownfeld site there won’t be enough money handed to the developer. Echo is dead brain dead they are just keeping it alive so Bramson can tout his success this November.

  2. And they talk about me. This
    And they talk about me. This is a side of the Mayor I never knew existed. Simply shocking behavior and certainly not the way one would expect a leader to display.

  3. WOW talk about a baby
    I wish i was there Mr.mayor you were way out of line. I’m sending this clip to all news outlets around the country.You Mr. Mayor should call a press conference and offer forgivness to Mr. st. paul. If not i ask you to Grow up or go back to work at a electronic store where you came from.

  4. Mayor
    The mayor has forgotten the council meetings when Idoni and Michael Boyle would debate. Idoni could not handle anyone who would disagree with him.

    I only wish my council person would have an opinion instead of sitting there and looking totally disinterested. He certainly does not represent me.

  5. Cornered
    When an individual feels threatened, they normaly will act out as the Mayor has. The only thing missing was his foul mouth and vulgar language that many in city hall are aware of when he doesnt get things his way.

  6. The King Has No Clothes
    Noam Bramson’s display in the Feb 15th City Council Mtg was impressive and revealing of a Mayor who is immature, inflexible, tyrannical and in essence a brat. Obviously, he bypassed kindergarten and is now a person driven by power at all cost and will bulldoze anyone who has a question or an opinion. This professional politician, he seems to have no other redeeming quality, has reached the breaking point and we all now know that he is against transparency. His cronies sit there with hands in ears, mouth and ears while a courageous council member, Richard St. Paul has the temerity to ask honest questions to odious resolutions that will negatively impact all residents in New Rochelle. Council member Tarantino was also appalled by the Mayor’s temper tantrum and vicious mean-spirited commentary. The mayor did not see anything wrong in his ill-advised commentary towards Mr. St. Paul. Noam Bramson’s behavior reminds us of Joseph McCarthy. All political parties should be wearied of this young Mayor. This kind of behavior will surely get him censure in Congress if he ever gets there. Is this the person who will continue to be your Mayor – How embarrassing and distatestful?

    1. The best part!
      The best part of this puerile display, was when Mr. Pomp and Circumstance addressed the councilman as Rich. I have always been appalled at the formal addresses displayed in session, but for our Commissar, I mean “mayor” to break character and formality was absurd.

      I do hope that this clip gains some attention beyond the local three ring circus. And thank God that Mr. Tarantino addressed the bully in a suitable and professional way. Although he does now run the risk of being called Al at future sessions.

      1. You people are so deep in
        You people are so deep in your hatred you actually think others would care. What makes you think this issue matters? You are blind to your hatred.

      2. City Council Meeting
        Roberta what are you drinking or smoking. Wake up and stop drinking the political kool aid. It all Poli”Tricks”

      3. Are you serious or delusional?
        Bottom line lady, is look at the state of this city. In how many decades has the entire operation been mismanaged? We go from Idoni, to Bramson and the one consistent thing is that NOTHING promised has materialized.

        The economic climate was good, and they sold our souls to the devil. No substance, just a facade and continued promise. Excessive give aways, abatements and allowed land grabbing. High rise residential is here, but it is more rental, section 8 and extended dorming from Iona than anything else. Limited parking, and no retail.

        Now the economy is crap and Stalin…I mean Bramson blames the economy and ridicules intelligent questions from the opposition. Well at least we have our bike paths!!!!!
        To put it as politely as possible..wake the f up!

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