Anti-Green Certified Builder Stops in New Rochelle for a Fill Up and a Coffee

Written By: Robert Cox


Here’s a contractor you might want to avoid if you are looking for environmentally-friendly construction. Most greenies these days are looking for LEED Certification, a third-party certification program which bills itself as the “nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings”. The folks at Lopez Remodeling are offering LEAD Certification which apparently involves using contaminated paint from China and adding heavy metals to your drinking water.

Humor aside, this work van demonstrated how “LEED Certification” has become a marketing gimmick to make people believe that they are saving Polar Bears while building that extension on their kitchen.

4 thoughts on “Anti-Green Certified Builder Stops in New Rochelle for a Fill Up and a Coffee”

  1. Lead
    The sign on the door is correct. If you work in a residence built prior to
    1977 you have to have a lead certification. Law went in to effect I think
    10/10 This is a NYS law. You have to take a course to be certified, don’t
    get caught they are giving out hefty fines.

      1. So this is what this site has come too
        You thought it was funny?, now do we take you for real or just a jackass messing around

        do you think Lopez Remodeling would find it funny?
        Grow up!

      2. this is the Photo Funnies section
        So in this section you should take not take anything seriously.

        As for Lopez Remodeling, I just gave them more free advertising than they can shake a stick at. I seriously doubt they would be anything buy happy for the free publicity but maybe you can call them and find out.

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