New Rochelle Board of Education is having yet another Budget Meeting at New Rochelle High School Library @ 7PM. Not sure of the specifics on the agenda, but it seems as if they will discuss program cuts, especially within our elementary schools. And of course, music & arts, which children need in their elementary development stages, may be on the chopping block. Funny how a City which claims to be so pro the arts, places the arts on the chopping block so quickly. There are many studies out there that show the vital importance of the arts in the elementary level and there are hundreds of children that participate within these programs throughout our district. Music and art are proven programs that reflect higher grades in those students that participate within the programs then those students who are not. By cutting the music and arts programs in the elementary schools, the Board of Education will be choking the middle and high school music and art programs in the near future. This will lead to more future layoffs due to enrollment and the death of a now vibrant program. The elementary music & art programs have seen positive growth over the last ten years. Every year, more & more student enroll within the programs and every year the dedicated music & art teachers work around the clock to get instruments and supplies within each and every child’s hands. Many instruments have been and are currently being donated to our elementary schools. By cutting these vital programs, the Board of Education will kill students’ dreams, ambitions, educational & social development. Come to the meeting and fight for our children’s future. KEEP THE ARTS ALIVE !!!