New Spring Adult Education Class Offered at Temple Israel of New Rochelle

Written By: Robert Cox

Observances that mark Jewish life-cycles will be the theme of a new adult education class at Temple Israel of New Rochelle this spring. The course will provide additional dimensions to the classes already in progress. There is no cost for any of the spring courses and all are welcome

The four week course, “Marking Transitions: Jewish Life-Cycle Observance,” is scheduled to be held on Thursday evenings, April 28 through May 19 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Taught by Cantor Erik Contzius and Rabbi Beth Nichols, the class will explore many of the details of life-cycle transitions usually taken for granted. Beginning with birth, bris and baby namings, there will be discussion of the ritual bath known as “mikvah” as well as the rites and meanings surrounding the Jewish wedding ceremony and Jewish divorce.

As Rabbi Nichols noted, “Even people who have attended a bris or been to a Jewish wedding will find that there is so much more to learn.”

The course, “Judaism On Our Jobs,” presented with innovative timing at 7:00 am so that participants can attend before going to work, will hold its fourth session May 6. This class delves into what ancient Hebrew texts can teach about the present with a focus on business. Over a bagel breakfast, the group will study texts dealing with different professional areas. There is no fee for this class but RSVP’s are requested in order to plan for breakfast.

A more domestic concern is the focus of another class, “Passover Dish: Cook and Learn” under the tutelage of Chef Randy Geddes and Rabbi Nichols who are teaming up to teach creative recipes and the Jewish laws and traditions behind them.

This is a two part class with the second session to be held Thursday, April 14th at 7:00 pm. As with the other classes, there is no fee, but an RSVP is required.The Temple phone number is 914-235-1800. For the first classes, RSVP to Rabbi Nichols at ext. 214 and for the last to Ellen Egan at ext; 220.

Temple Israel is located at 1000 Pinebrook Blvd. in New Rochelle.


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